List of Authors: E F G H
Ebb, Fred
Cabaret 19837
Edgar, David
Destiny 1986
Entertaining Strangers 1993 (Student Group)
Entertaining Strangers 2011 (Student Group)
Mary Barnes 1981
The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby (adaption) 2003
Edmundson, Helen
The Mill on the Floss (adaption) 1999
Edwards, Gwynne
Dona Rosita The Spinster (translation) 1992 (Student Group)
The Shoemaker's
Wonderful Wife (translation) 1992 (Student Group)
The Surgeon of Honour 1992
Eiler, Jim
Pinocchio (adaption) 1996
Eldridge, David
Festen 2008
Eliot, George
The Mill on the Floss 1999
Eliot, T S
Murder in the Cathedral 1981
Murder in the Cathedral (excerpt) 1954 (Student Group)
The Cocktail Party 1974
The Confidential Clerk 1965
The Family Reunion 1954
The Family Reunion 1977
The Wasteland (Director's Showcase) 1976
Ellis, A E
Seagull Rising (New Play) 1977
Elson, John
The Man of the Future is Dead
1987 (Rehearsed Reading)
Eltis, David
The Reward 1993
Elton, Ben
Popcorn 2002
Elyot, Kevin
Mouth to Mouth 2006
My Night with Reg 2000
Emmet, Alfred
Beasts of Tiresias, The (trans) 1974
By Further Request 1951
By Request (An Original Revue) 1949
Child of Light (New Play) (Annual Drama Festival) 1943
Portrait of a Mother (New Play) (Annual Drama Festival) 1945
Questors Revue, The 1939
Return, The (Annual Drama Festival) 1937
Requiem to Posterity 1937
Three Sisters (translation) 1976
Venus and the Sheperdess 1934
Emmet, David
Faustus (translation) 1978
Mary Stuart (translation) 2013
Sara Sampson (translation) 2024
Emmet, Jude
Mystery of Fellstone Manor, The (New Play) 2024
Erdman, Nikolai
The Suicide 1996 (Student Group)
Erdos, David
Call Me The Sea 2022 (New Play (Disintegration) Dare The Dark (Overnight Plays) 2023
David's Covid 2020 (Scenes in Solitude)(New play)
Interview, The 2020 (Audio Drama)(New play)
Moon Made Me, The 2022 (New Play)(Disintegration)
Radio Refuge 2020 (Audio Drama)(New play)
Zoom In (Overnet Plays) 2020
Esslin, Martin
Judgement Day 1994
Esslin, Renata
Judgement Day 1994
Hecabe 1966
Helen of Troy 2001
Iphigenia 1991
Medea 1980
Medea 2024
The Bacchae 2002
The Trojan Women 1948
The Trojan Women 1969 (Student Group)
The Trojan Women (Directors' Showcase) 1976
The Trojan Women 1992
The Trojan Women 2007
Evans, Christine
Trojan Barbie 2013 (Student Group)
Evans, Fiona
Evans, Francis
Boeing-Boeing 2016 (trans)
Eveling, Stanley
The Strong Case of Martin Richter 1972
Everac, Paul
A Few False Steps 1971
Fagels, Robert
The Oresteia (translation) 1981
Fainlight, Ruth
Antigone (translation) 2013
Farquhar, George
Beaux' Stratagem, The (Play Reading) 1937
Beaux' Stratagem, The 1949
Beaux' Stratagem, The 1967
Beaux' Stratagem, The 1994
Constant Couple, The 1980
Recruiting Officer, The 1975
Recruiting Officer, The 2004
Farr, David
Night of The Soul 2012
A Temptation Too Great 1990 (Rehearsed Reading)(New Play)
Fay, John
The Death of Joe Hill 1987
Fein, Elihu
The Three Legged Man (Rehearsed Reading) 1957
Feingold, Harry
No Company (New Play) (Annual Drama Festival) 1944
One Far Off and Fine Event (New Play) (Annual Drama Festival) 1943
Sisters Three (New Play) (Annual Drama Festival)1941
Sound and Fury (New Play) (Annual Drama Festival) 1942
The Wooing of Wilhelmina (New Play) (Annual Drama Festival) 1944
Feingold, Michael
Happy End (translation) 1982
Fen, Elisaveta
The Proposal (translation) 1985
Fernald, C B
The Mask and the Face
(Play Reading) 1935
Festenstein, Iris
Schreiner 1993
Feydeau, George
Ding! Dong! 1971
A Flea in Her Ear 1976
A Flea in Her Ear 2010
A Little Hotel on the Side 2001
Fielding. Henry
Tom Jones 1985
Tom Jones 2024
The Tragedy of Tragedies or Tom thumb (Rehearsed Reading) 1990
Fierstein, Harvey
Safe Sex (World Aid's Day) 1997
Torch Song Trilogy (Excerpt) 1995
Filippo, Eduardo de
Filumena 1992 (Rehearsed Reading)
Saturday, Sunday, Monday 1981 (Student Group)
Saturday, Sunday, Monday 1992
Saturday, Sunday, Monday 2006 (Student Group)
Finbow, Colin
Night-Time for the Birds 1963 (Student Group)
The Things 1963 (New Play) (New Plays Festival)
Findlay, Bill
The House among the Stars (translation) 1994
Firth, Tim
Calendar Girls
Flint Street Nativity, The 2011
Neville's Island 2023
Sheila's Island 2023
Fisch, Max
Biography 1995
Fisk, Dorothy
The Secondary Wife 1954 (New Play)
Fitzball, Edward
The Flying Dutchman 1967
Fitzgerald, Mark
Dracula - Fangs of Destiny 2013 (New Play)
Fitzpatrcick, Steve
Dispute, The (adaption) 2005
Fan, The (translation) 2001
Peer Gynt (translation) 2018
Story of Aesop, The 1987
Tartuffe 1987
Venus and Adonis (adaption) 2015
Wealth (adaption) 1986
Flannery, Peter
Burnt by the Sun 2016
Flaubert, Gustave
Madame Bovary: Breakfast with Emma 2009
Fleet, Russell
Physicists, The (Translation) 2024
Fleming, George
The Fantasticks (excerpt) 1941
The Knight of the Burning Pestle 1959
Fletcher, David
Choices 1983 (New Play)
Myths 1977
Pay Board, The 1977
Tongues of Fire 2000
Fletcher, Tim
Ariadne and The Monsters
Fo, Dario
Accidental Death of an Anarchist 1998
Can't Pay! Won't Pay! 1986
Monologues 2004
The Virtuous Burglar 1993
Forbes, Hugh
Early Rising (New Play) (RR) 1955
Ford, John
Love's Sacrifice 1988
Tis Pity She's a Whore 2005
Forest, David
Entertaining Changes 1994
Forsyth, Bill
Gregory's Girl 1991
Forsyth, James
Brand (translation) 1964
Fowles, John
Martine (translation) 1996
Francis, Ben
All Tin and Fairy Lights (QWho) 2024
Boys From Wishbone Junction, The (New Play)(QExtra) 2023
Consequences, The (Writers' Week) 2024
Brain Drain (Overnight Plays) 2023
Dragon and The Canary, The 2020 (Audio Drama)(New play)
Hammer Horror (Overnight Plays) 2022
It Was Funny The First Time 2020 (Scenes in Solitude)(New play)
On A Role (Overnight Plays) 2021
Fraser, B H
Cake (New Play)(QExtra) 2019
Midnight (Audio Drama)(New Play) 2021
This is it (New Play)(QExtra) 2023
Fraser, Kon
No Camels in Israel 1968 (New Play)
The Igloo 1965 (New Play)
Frayn, Michael
Alphabetical Order 1978
Benefactors 1988
Clouds 1981
Noises Off 1996
The Cherry Orchard (translation) 1985
Three Sisters (translation) 1997
Uncle Vanya (translation) 1994
Uncle Vanya (translation) 2015
Frechtman, Bernard
The Maids (translation) 1982
The Maids (translations) (Student Group) 2018
Freedman, Sylvia
The Queen of Spades and I 1990
Freeman, David
You're Gonna be Alright, Jamie Boy 1982
Frere, W H
The Birds (translation) 1936
Friel, Brian
Dancing at Lughnasa 1995
Faith Healer 1992
Molly Sweeney 2002
Translations 2001
Frisch, Max
Biography 1995
Don Juan or The Love of Geometry 1992
The Fire Raisers 1963
Frith, J Leslie
Invitation to a Voyage (translation) 1946
Martine (translation) 1944
The Sulky Fire (translation) 1989
Frost, Robert
A Celebration 2103
Froud, Nina
In Search of Happiness (translation) 1960 (Student Group)
Fry, Christopher
A Phoenix to Frequent 1956
A Phoenix to Frequent 1967 (Student Group)
Ring Round the Moon (translation) 1966 (Student Group)
Ring Round the Moon (translation) 1984
The Lady's not for Burning 1987
The Lark (translation) 1976
Thor, with Angels 1965 (Student Group)
Venus Observed 1979
Fryer, John
As Time Passes By 2016 (new Play)(Questival II)
The Diamond Ring 2017 (New Play)(Dark Monday)
Fugard, Athol
Dimetos 1981
Hello and Goodbye 1993
Fulton, Ian
Hemingway in Barcelona 2021 (Staged Reading)(New Play)
Nothing But Complete Oblivion 2021 (Audio Drama)(New Play)
Furth, George
Company 2007
Galantière, Lewis
Antigone (translation) 1963 (Student Group)
Gallagher, Richard
Blood Sports 2018 (Student Goup)
French Paste 2007
Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp 2013
Galsworthy, John
Loyalties 1991 (Rehearsed Reading)
Windows (Play Reading) 1931
Garforth, John
Steadman: In the Mouth of the Lion 1986
Gariff, Tony
The Timekeeper (New Play) 1972
Garland, Patrick
Brief Lives (adapt) 1987
Garman, Theo
The Perfect Child (Unseen) 2005
Garing, Maurice
Jason and Medea 1940
Garland, Patrick
Brief Lives (adaption) 1987
Garnett, Constance
On the High Road (excerpt) 1956 (Student Group)
The Bear (translation) 1950
The Cherry Orchard (translation) 1943
The Proposal (translation) (Annual Drama Festival) 1940
The Proposal (translation) 1944
The Proposal (translation) 1954
The Seagull (translation) 1947
The Wedding (translation) 1957
The Wedding (translation) 1964
Three Sisters (translation) 1960
Uncle Vanya (translation) 1941
Garrick, David
Miss in her Teens 1973 (Student Group)
The Clandestine Marriage 2005
Gaskell, Mrs
Cranford 1947 (Student Group)
Gaunt, Richard
A Collier's Tuesday Tea 2004
The Cherry Sisters 1985
The Cherry Sisters 2004
The Nutty Slack Spectacular 1973 (New Play)
Gay, John
The Beggars' Opera 1960
The Beggars' Opera 1979
Gelbert, Larry
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum 2007
Gelman, Alexander
A Man with Connections 1992 (Rehearsed Reading)
Gems, Pam
Dusa, Fish, Stas and Vi 1979
Genet, Jean
Death Watch 1986
The Balcony 2000
The Balcony 2014 (Student Group)
The Maids 1965
The Maids 1982
The Maids 1994
The Maids 2002
The Maids 2018 (Student Group)
George, Millicent
The Pastoral Symphony (translation) 1948
Gethings, Ned
Looking Glass, Looking Glass 1962 (Student Group)
The Pharoah Cassidy 1960 (New Plays Festival)
Strange Echoes (New Play) (RR) 1954
The Swan 1955 (Student Group)
Tinkers' Idyll 1953 (New Play)(Student Group)
Ghelderode, Michel de
Christopher Columbus 1960
Escurial 1974
The Grand Vizier 1974
The Late 1974
Gheon, Henri
Christmas in the Market Place 1950
Gibbs, Margaret
Storm in a Paint Pot 1953 (Student Group)
Gibson, Harry
Trainspotting 2000
Gibson, Wilfrid
The Betrothed 1933
Gide, Andre
The Pastoral Symphony 1948
Gilbert, W S
An Evening with Gilbert and Sullivan 1975
Engaged 2013
Gill, Kulvinder
Priti & Mandeep (Writers' Week) 2024
Gillette, William
Sherlock Holmes (adaption) 1984
Ginsbury, Norman
Ghosts (translation) 1961
Girdaudoux, Jean
The Madwoman of Chaillot 1968 (Student Group)
Glaspell, Susan
Trifles 1976
Glassco, Bill
Albertine, in Five Times (translation) 1987
Bonjour La, Bonjour (translation) 1982
Sisters (translation) 1982
Tremblay (translations) 1983
Glaze, Emily
Mute (New Play)(Festival of New Theatre) 2022
Glazer, Benjamin F
A Matter of Husbands (trans)
(Annual Drama Festival) 1941
Godber, John
Bouncers 2003
Happy Families 1991
September in the Rain 1991 (Rehearsed Reading)
Teechers 2012 (Student Group)
Godman, Keith
Part of an Evening 1977
Godwin, Richard
The Cure-All 2005
Faustus 1978
Goetz, Ruth & Augustus
Heiress, The 2018
Gogol, Nikolai
Gamblers 1995 (Student Group)
Marriage 1973 (Student Group)
Marriage 1995 (Student Group)
The Government Inspector 1957
The Government Inspector 2001 (Student Group)
Goldman, James
The Lion in Winter 1996
Goldoni, Carlo
A Servant to Two Master 2008
I Pettegolezzi Delle Donne 1979
Mirandolina 1995
Monsieur Geronte 1991 (Rehearsed Reading)
The Fan 2001
The Venetian Twins 1999
Goldsby, Angela
Let's Get a Divorce (translation) 1965
Goldsby, Robert
Let's Get a Divorce (translation) 1965
Goldsmith, Oliver
She Stoops to Conquer 1940
She Stoops to Conquer 1956
She Stoops to Conquer 1974
She Stoops to Conquer 1997
She Stoops to Conquer 2015
Gombrowicz, Witold
Princess Ivona 1984
Gooch, Steve
Female Transport 1977
Female Transport 1992
It's All for the Best 1979
Man is Man (translation) 1977
The Mother (translation) 1993
Goodall, Howard
The Hired Man 1988
Goodrich, Frances
The Diary of Anne Frank 1959 (Student Group)
Goodwin, Ernest
The Devil Among the Skins (Annual Drama Festival) 1944
Gordon-Clark, Robert
Catch, The (Overnight Plays) 2019
Cinderloo (Overnet Plays) 2020
Ducking Responsibility (Overnight Plays) 2024
Intervew, The 2020 (Scenes in Solitude)(New play)
Love Story (Overnight Plays) 2021
Mid Floor 2020 (Audio Drama)(New play)
Gorky, Maxim
Philistines 1988 (Student Group)
Summerfolk 2004 (Student Group)
Goss, Bernard
The Fantastic Fairground 1984
Gould, Peter
Betrayal 2020 (QExtra)(New Play)
Betrayal (Writers' Week) 2024
Blue Eyes 2020 (Scenes in Solitude)(New play)
Coming Round 2023 (New Play)(QExtra)
Divine Intervention 2020 (Scenes in Solitude)(New play)
Intruder, The 2021 (Audio Drama)(New Play)
Gow, Ronald
Love on the Dole (Extract) (Annual Drama Festival) 1942
Love on the Dole (Extract) 1982
Graczyk, Ed
Come Back to the Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean 1998
Grahame, Kenneth
The Wind in the Willows 2000
Toad of Toad Hall 1977
Graham-Lujan, James
The House of Bernarda Alba (translation) 1972 (Student Group)
The House of Bernarda Alba (translation) 1988
Grant, Oenone
Journey 1979 (Student Group)
Triangles 1979 (Student Group)
Grantham, Wilfrid
The Sixth Hour (Annual Drama Festival) 1942
Granville-Barker, Harley
Christmas Present, A (translatioin) 1933
Dr Knock (translation) 1934
Fortunato (excerpt) (translation) (Annual Drama Festival) 1943
Madras House, The 1988 (Rehearsed Reading)
Rococo(Rehearsed Reading) 1988
Romantic Young Lady, The (translation) 1932
Vote by Ballot(Rehearsed Reading)1988
Women have Their Way, The (translation) 1951 (Student Group)
Grass, Gunther
Onkel Onkel 1969
Gray, Nicholas Stuart
Beauty and the Beast 1990
Gray, Simon
Butley 1980
Otherwise Engaged 2009
Quartermaine's Terms 1998
Green, Michael
A Collier's Tuesday Tea 2004
All's Well That Ends As You Like It 2012
Henry The Tenth (Part
Seven) 2012
Julius and Cleopatra 2012
Late of this Theatre 1966 (New Plays Festival)
Nebuchasiah the Second 1991
Oedocles - The King of Thebes 1996
Pop 1964 (New Plays Festival)
Steam 1971
Steam 1972
Streuth 2004
The Cherry Sisters 1985
The Cherry Sisters 2004
The Real Death of Sherlock Holmes 1989
Trapped 1996
Green, Tony
Permanent Damage 1996
Greenburger, Sanford T
The Witch (Annual Drama Festival) 1936
Greene, Graham
The Living Room 1961
Travels with my Aunt 1996
Greenspan, David
Jack (World Aid's Day) 1997
Greenwood, Walter
Love on the Dole (excerpt) (Annual Drama Festival)1942
Love on the Dole (excerpt) 1982
Greer, Herb
Kill! Kill! 1967 (New Play)
Gregory, Lady
Gaol Gate 1976
The Full Moon 1958 (Student Group)
Grey, David
The Best People 1929
The Best People 1989 Rehearsed Reading)
Grieg, David
The Letter of Last Resort 2021
Griffith-Jones, Krystana
Princess Ivona 1984 (Translation)
Griffiths, Trevor
Comedians 2006
Occupations 1975
Grillo, Laura
The Pact (New Play)(Powerplay 2) 2022
Grimm, The Brothers
Grimm Tales 1997
Grimm Tales 2016 (Youth Theatre)
The Four Friends 2005
Grimsey, Geoffrey
The Cave of Salamanca (translation) 1956 (Student Group)
Grose, Carl
Scorched 1996
Gross, Alexander
Hercules and the Augean Stables (translation) 1966
Grundy, Sydney
A Pair of Spectacles 1991 (Rehearsed Reading)
Guitry, Sacha
Villa for Sale (Annual Drama Festival) 1937
Villa for Sale (Club Evening) 1940
Gupta, Tanika
Doll's House, A (after Henrik Ibsen)
Gurney Jr, A R
The Problem 1985 (Directors' Showcase)
Gustafson, Rick
Weigh Station, The (Writers' Week) 2024
Hackett, Albert
The Diary of Anne Frank 1959 (Student Group)
Haines, John Thomas
My Poll and My Partner Joe 1966
Hajac, Emile de
Let's Get a Divorce 1965
Hale, Lionel
She Passed Through Lorraine
(Play Reading) 1935
Hall, Jonathan
Scenes from a Fair 2005
Hall, Lee
A Servant to Two Master (translation) 2008
Hall, Peter
Animal Farm (adaption) 1987
Animal Farm (adaption) 2018 (QYT)
Hall, Willis
Saturday, Sunday, Monday (adaption) 1981 (Student Group)
Saturday, Sunday, Monday (adaption) 1992
Saturday, Sunday, Monday (adaption) 2006 (Student Group)
Hamel-Cooke, Chris
The Fantastic Fairground (music) 1984
Hamilton, Cicely
Diana of Dobson's 2017
Hamilton, Patrick
Rope 2014
Slaves of Solitude 2024
Hamilton, R D
Possessions 1993 (Rehearsed Reading)
Hammond, Lempriere
Fire from Heaven (New Play) (Annual Drama Festival) 1945
Hampton, Christopher
An Enemy of the People (translation) 2006
Conversations after a Burial (translation) 2006
Don Juan (translation) 1976
Don Juan (translation) 1992 (Rehearsed Reading)
Don Juan Comes Back from the War (translation) 1984
Faith, Hope and Charity 1992 (Rehearsed Reading)
God of Carnage (translation) 2021
Hedda Gabler (translation) 2002
Les Liaisons Dangereuses 1995
Les Liaisons Dangereuses 2009
The Philanthropist 1984
Total Eclipse 1976
Treats 1982
Handke, Peter
Offending the Audience 1992 (Rehearsed Reading)
Self-Accusation 1975 (Director's Showcase)
The Ride Across Lake Constance 1978
Hands, Terry
The Balcony (translation) 2000
The Balcony (translation) 2014 (Student Group)
Slow Dance on the Killing Ground 1973
Harburg, E Y
The Wizard of Oz (music) 2008
Hardy, Thomas
Far From the Madding Crowd 2009 (Student Group)
Tess of the D'Urbervilles 2018
Hare, David
Amy's View 2001
The Bay at Nice 1991 (Rehearsed Reading)
Knuckle 1985
Plenty 1990
Skylight 1999
Slag 1974
The Secret Rapture 1991
Harling, Robert
Steel Magnolias 2003
Harper, Lauren
Flight of the Canaries (New Play)(QExtra)
So Tired 2020 (Scenes in Solitude)(New play)
Harrington, W W
Usual Channels (New Play) (RR) 1954
Harris, Richard
West 5 Story 2014
Harris, Zinnie
Further than the Furthest Thing 2009
Harrison, Rita
Leap in the Dark (New Play) (Rehearsed Reading) 1953
Harrison, Tony
The Misanthrope (translation) 1980
Harrower, David
Knives in Hens 2008
The Chrysalids (adaption) 2003
Harry, Judith
The House Warming 1980
Hart, Moss
The Man who Came to Dinner 1987 (Student Group)
The Man who Came to Dinner 2011 (Student Group)
You Can't Take it With you 1952
You Can't Take it With You 1993 (Student Group)
You Can't Take it With You 2003 (Student Group)
You Can't Take It With You 2024
Hart, Ron
Ringback 2004
Harvey, Jonathan
Beautiful Thing 2016
Harwood, H M
Mask, The (Annual Drama Festival) 1936
Harwood, Ronald
Dresser, The 1998
Taking Sides 2018
Hatton, Charles
The Shed 1965 (New Plays Festival)
Hauger, George
Christopher Columbus (translation) 1960
Havel, Vaclav
Audience 1992 (Rehearsed Reading)
Private View 1982 (Director's Showcase)
Protest 1992 (Rehearsed Reading)
Temptation 1992
The Memorandum 1989 (Rehearsed Reading)
Unveiling 1992 (Rehearsed Reading)
Havergal, Giles
Travels with My Aunt (adaption) 1996
Hawdon, Robin
Don't Dress for Dinner (trans) 2016
Hawley, Emily
I Think We Need The Space (Overnight Plays) 2024
Hayes, Catherine
Skirmishes 1988
Hayton, Richard
Neon Gravy 1992
Hazlewood, J M
Lady Audley's Secret 1961
Healy, Mark
Far From the Madding Crowd (adaption) 2009 (Student Group)
Hearne, John
The Golden Savage 1966 (New Plays Festival)
Hecht, Ben
The Front Page 1988
Hemar, Marian
Poor Man's Miracle 1951 (New Play)
Hepburn, James
Circuses 1975 (New Play)
Men and Woman 1985 (Directors' Showcase)
MoonshiPt 1977
Poor Dumb Animals 1971 (New Play)
Time, Life,Sex and You Know What (New Play) 1972
Herbert, A P
Two Gentlemen of Soho 1930
Hering, Henry A
Hunt the Tiger (Annual Drama Festival) 1937
Herman, Henry
The Silver King 1965
Herman, Mark
Brassed Off (2012)
Herst, B F
State of the Art 1988
Highsmith, Patricia
The Talented Mr Ripley
Hill, Lucienne
Thieves' Carnival 1953
Waltz of the Toreadors (translation) 1979
Hill, Mark
Bang Bang(Overnight Plays) 2018
Hillman, Barry K
The Amazing Dancing Bear 1981
Hines, Robert
A B C 1979 (Student Group)
Hingley, Ronald
The Cherry Orchard (translation) 1965
Uncle Vanya (translation) 1968
Hobson, Rory
Whispers in the Wings (New Play) 2024
Hoffman, William
As Is (World Aid's Day) 1997
Hofmannsthal, Hugo van
Everyman 1936
Hollingworth, John
Multitudes 2018
Holloway, Jonathan
The Railway Sidings 2012
Holman, Robert
Being Friends 1988
Lost 1988
Making Noise Quietly 1988
Hopkins, John
This Story of Yours 1981
Hopwood, Avery
The Best People 1929
The Best People 1989 (Rehearsed Reading)
Horujy, Kathleen Cook
The Bedbug (translation) 1988
Horvath, Odon von
Cold Times 1986
Don Juan Comes Back from the War 1984
Faith, Hope and Charity 1992 (Rehearsed Reading)
Figaro Gets a Divorce 1990
Judgement Day 1989 (Rehearsed Reading)
Judgement Day 1994
Horwood, John
Gamblers (adaption) 1995 (Student Group)
Marriage (adaption) 1995 (Student Group)
Rook (A Comic Nightmare) 1991
Houghton, Stanley
Hindle Wakes 1964
Hindle Wakes 1994 (Student Group)
Hovatter, David
Bard in the Yard 2020
Cinderella (24 Hour plays) 2015
Darkness (Overnight Plays) 2019Doc and The Scarf, The (QWho) 2024
Dog and The Scarf, The 2019
Elephant in the Room, The (24 Hour plays) 2013Enchanted Knight, The 2004Erma (QExtra) 2019Evolution of Esther, the 2004
Gerard Ascending 1997
Gerard's Blood 1999
Grex...a great expectation 1998
Hat's House (Writers' Week) 2024
Imitation, The 1996
Knopped Up by Naughty Helen 2008
Liberty (24 Hour plays) 2016
Lindy-Anna Jones and The Fist of Doom (Overnight Plays) 2023
Little Dorrit 2023
Marvellous Land of Oz, The 2009
Moby Dick 1995
Once Upon a Time in West Ealing (Overnet Plays) 2020
One Billboard Outside Questors Ealing (Overnight Plays) 2018
Revenge of Skippy, The (Overnight Plays) 2024
Roman Shield, A (24 Hour plays) 2017
Star Chores: A New Leaf (Overnight Plays) 2022
Torch Girl (Overnight Plays) 2022
What's My Gilbert? (Writers' Week) 2024
Howard, David
Rejoice 1992
Howarth, Riana
Struck by Lightning(Overnight Plays) 2023
Hsiung, S I
Lady of Precious Stream (Play Reading) 1948
The Romance of the Western Chamber (translation) 1940
The Romance of the Western Chamber (translation) 1944
Hughes, Dusty
Futurists 1988
Philistines (adaption) 1988 (Student Group)
Hughes, Richard
A Man Born to be Hanged (Annual Drama Festival) 1938
Danger (Annual Drama Festival) 1937
Hughs, Ted
Oedipus (translation) 1971
Hummer, Maria
Mind (Overnight Plays) 2019
Hutchins, Barbara
An Italian Straw Hat (translation) 1966
By Further Request 1951
By Request (An Original Revue) 1949
Portrait of a Mother (New Play) (Annual Drama Festival) 1945
Questrionics 1959
The Beggars' Opera (adaption) 1960
Hutchinson, David Knopped up by Naughty Helen (adaption) 2008
The Stars in the Evening Sky 2003 (Rehearsed Reading)
Hutchinson, Erik
But now I am Returned (New Play) 1945
By Further Request 1951
Huxley, Aldous
Brave New World 2009
Hyams, Roy
Carrying On 2001