List of Plays: G H I J
Galileo Case, The 1989 (Rehearsed Reading)
Garden Room, The 1988 (Rehearsed Reading)
Gappo and His Daughter Tsuji 1982
George's Room (Directors' Showcase) 2016
Gentle Maiden, The (New Play) (Annual Drama Festival) 1944
Gentle Art of Seduction, The 1975 (New Play)
Getting Ahead (Overnight Plays) 2021
Getting Married (Play Reading) 1935
Getting Married 1956
Ghost Train, The 1973
Ghost Train, The 1995
Ghost Train, The 2021
Ghosts 1961
Ghosts 1946
Ghosts 1996
Gift of Friendship, The 1980
Girl in Melanie Klein, The 1980
Girl, The 1968 (Student Group)
Glass Menagerie, The 1960
Glass Menagerie, The 1986
Glass Menagerie, The 1999
Glass Menage a Trois, The 1996
Glass Menage a Trois, The 2004
Goat Boy (El Chico Cabrio), The 2006
God's Regents (New Play) (Annual Drama Festival) 1944
Going-Going 1962Golden Age, The 1997
Golden Savage, The 1966 (New Plays Festival)
Gone 1962 (New Play)(New Plays Festival)
Good Englishman (Play reading) 1950
Good and Faithful Servant, The 1971
Good Times Together 2023
Good Woman of Setzuan, The 1974
Good Woman of Setzuan, The 1985 (Student Group)
Goodness Gracious! Is that Really Me? 1963 (New Play)
Goodnight Children Everywhere 2003
Gosforth's Fete 1979 (Student Group)
Gospel According to Judas, The 2002
Government Inspector, The 1957
Government Inspector, The 2001 (Student Group)
Grace and the Lobstershell (24 Hour Plays) 2014
Grammaire, La 1956 (Student Group)
Granville, The Ugly Duckling 2000
Great Catherine 1965 (Student Group)
Grex...a great expectation 1998
Grimm Tales 1997
Grimm Tales 2016
Grotesque Farce of Mr Punch, The 1993
Gruach 1932
Gruach (Play Reading) 1934
Guarded Territories 1995 (Rehearsed Reading)
Guildenstern and Rosencrantz (Colloquialisms) 1964
Gun Sexy (Overnight Plays) 2022
Gut Girls, The (Youth Theatre) 1993
Gut Girls, The (Student Group) 2023
Guy, The 1966 (New Plays Festival)
Habeas Corpus 1983
Habeas Corpus 2005
Hairspray Jr 2020 (Questors Youth Theatre)
Hamlet 1955
Hamlet 1971
Hamlet 1983
Hamlet 2002
Hamlet (Workshop) 2009
Hamlet (What Dreams May Come) 1989
Hammer Horror (Overnight Plays) 2022
Hamster Babies 2002 (Rehearsed Reading)
Hand of Glory (Overnight Plays) 2017
Hands Across the Sea (Student Group) 2015
Hans Kohlhass (New Play) 1972
Hans Kohlhass 1981
Happiest of the Three, The 1991
Happiest Days of Your Life, The 2000 (Student Group)
Happy Days 1969
Happy Days 2002
Happy Journey to Trenton and Camden, The 1940
Hard Times 1997 (Student Group)
Harmful Effects of Tobacco, The 2005
Have I None 2013 (Directors' Showcse)
Head On/Head Off (Unseens) 2005
Hearing, The 2022 (New Play)(Powerplay 2)
Heart's a Wonder, The (The Playboy of the Western World) 1979
Heartbreak House (Play Reading) 1932
Heartbreak House 1945
Heartbreak House 1973
Heartbreak House 1998
Heaven's Waiting Room 2012 (Late Night)
Hedda Gabler 1968
Hedda Gabler 1982
Hedda Gabler 2002
Hello Darkness My Old Friend 2016 (Rehearsed Reading)
Hello Out There 1966 (Director's Showcase)
Helmet, Prince of Denmark (Overnight Plays) 2017
Heloise (Rehearsed Reading) 1953
Hemingway in Barcelona 2021 (Staged Reading)(New Play)
Henry IV Part 1 1961
Henry IV Part 1 1984
Henry V 1957
Henry V (extract) 1982
Henry V 2006 (Student Group)
Henry The Tenth (Part Seven) 2012
Herald, The (Annual Drama Festival) 1938
Herald, The (New Play) (Annual Drama Festival) 1945
Hercules and the Augean Stables 1966
Here Comes the Chopper 1996 (Student Group)
Hero for a Day (Overnight Plays) 2019
Herr Puntilla and his Man Matti 1973
High Tea (Directors' Showcase) 2016
Hilarious (New Play)(QExtra) 2023
Hindle Wakes 1964
Hindle Wakes 1994 (Student Group)
Hobson's Choice 1973 (Student Group)
Hobson's Choice (extract) 1982
Hobson's Choice 1989
Hobson's Choice 2011
Holiday in Biarritz 1957 (Student Group)
Holloway Road 1995 (Rehearsed Reading)
Hombre y Hombre (Rehearsed Reading) 1993
Home Free 1975 (Director's Showcase)
Home Is (New Play)(QExtra) 2023
Homecoming, The 1968
Homecoming, The 1995
Homecoming, The 2010
Hosanna 1989 (Rehearsed Reading)
Hound of the Baskervilles, The 2013
House Among the Stars, The 1994
House of Bernarda Alba, The (excerpt) 1958 (Student Group)
House of Bernarda Alba, The 1966 (Director's Showcase)
House of Bernarda Alba, The 1972 (Student Group)
House of Bernarda Alba, The 1988
House of Bernarda Alba, The 2010
House of Cowards, The 1960 (NPF1)
How Disaster Struck the Harvest (Colloquialisms) 1964
How I Assumed the Role of a Popular Dandy 1965 (New Plays Festival)
How To Disappear Completely and Never Be Found 2024
Howling At The Moon 2021 (Audio Drama()New Play)
Hunt the Tiger (Annual Drama Festival) 1937
I Am The Walrus 2014 (New Play)
I Pettegolezzi Delle Donne 1979
Icarus Preserved (New Play) 1941
Icarus's Mother 1975 (Director's Showcase)
Identifying Alex (24 Hour Plays) 2013
Idyll in Llanybach (New Play) (Annual Drama Festival) 1944
If Shakespeare were a Friend of Ours... 1987
Igloo, The 1965 (New Plays Festival)
Importance of Being Earnest, The (Play Reading) 1931
Importance of Being Earnest , The 1944
Importance of Being Earnest , The 1970
Importance of Being Earnest, The (extract) 1982
Importance of Being Earnest , The 1984
Importance of Being Earnest , The 2009
Importance of Being Earnest, The 2022
In Search of Happiness 1960 (Student Group)
In Search of Man 1968 (New Play)
In Search of Valour 1951 (Student Group)
In the Beginning (Act 1 of Back to Methusaleh) (Annual Drama Festival)
In the Blood 1988 (Rehearsed Reading)
In the Night 2001 (Rehearsed Reading)
In the Possessive Case (Play Reading) 1950
In the Summerhouse 2002 (Rehearsed Reading)
Inca of Perusalem, The (Annual Drama Festival) 1937
Incident at The Bolshoi, An 2005
Incident in Oxygen 2020 (Scenes in Solitude)(New play)
India Gate 2021 (Workshop Production)
India Gate 2022 (New Play)
Inspection (Overnight Plays) 2017
International Stud, The (Torch Song Trilogy) 1995
Interview, The 2020 (Scenes in Solitude)(New play)
Interview, The 2020 (Audio Drama)(New play)
Into the Wild (24 Hour plays) 2014
Intruder, The 2021 (Audio Drama)(New Play)
Is the House Shut? (New Play) 1964
It was Never so Merry, My Lord! 1967 (New Play)
It Was Funny The first Time 2020 (Scenes in Solitude)(New play)
Italian Pastorale (New Play)(RR) 1954
Jack and The Beanstalk 2015
Jack and The Beanstalk 2024
Jack's Last Stand 1988 (Rehearsed Reading)
Jason and Medea (Annual Drama Festival)1940
Jeffrey Bernard is Unwell 2010
Jericho 1989 (Rehearsed Reading)
Joe (Annual Drama Festival) 1946
Joker, The 1962 (New Play)(New Plays Festival)
Josie Carbolic 1988 (Rehearsed Reading)
Judgement Day 1989 (Rehearsed Reading)
Judgement Day 1994
Julius Caesar 1958
Julius Caesar 1984
Julius Caesar 1994
Julius Caesar 2024
Juno and The Paycock 1953
Juno and The Paycock 1997