List of Authors: M N O
Macalpine, Joan
Tom Jones (adaptation) 1985
Tom Jones (adaptation) 2024
Macarthur, Charles
The Front Page 1988
MacDiarmid, Hugh
The Threepenny Opera (translation) 1992
MacDonagh, Donagh
Happy as Larry 1954
Pillowman, The 2024
Step-in-the-Hollow 1962
MacDonald, Stephen
Not About Heroes 2018
Macfadyen, Angus
1905 1991
MacFarlane, James
A Doll's House (translation) 1997
Macleod, Wendy
The House of Yes 1990
Madley, Kevin
A Plus 1991
Count on Jimmy 1989 (Rehearsed Reading)
D Minus 1989
Drilling for Happiness 1993
First Post to Last Pint 1999
Going Gentle 1994
Homesick 1992
Kind Hearts and Comedies 1993
The Lemming and the Lifebelt 1995
Two Gentlemen 1987
Maeterlinck, Maurice
Pelleas and Melisande 1989
Mahon, Derek
The Bacchae (adaption) 2002
Malleson, Miles
Sganarelle (adaption) 1958 (Student Group)
Sganarelle (translation) 1965 (Student Group)
Tartuffe (translation) 1953
The Miser (translation) 1957
Mamet, David
A Life in the Theatre (Excerpts) 2001
Glengarry Glen Ross 2009
Oleanna 1998
Sexual Perversity in Chicago 1985 (Directors' Showcase)
Manheim, Ralph
Onkel Onkel (translation) 1969
Manning, Mary
The Voice of Shem (Finnegan's Wake) (adaption) 1958
Marber, Patrick
Closer 2003
Dealer's Choice 2012
March, Edward Owen
Dinner with the Family (translation) 1999 (Student Group)
Marcus, Frank
Formation Dancers, The 1990 (Rehearsed Reading)
Killing of Sister George, The 1978
Marinez, Maria
The Cradle Song 1947 (Student Group)
Marivaux, Pierre
The Dispute 2005
The Legacy 2005
Marker, Alex
Final Take, The (Overnight Plays) 2019
First Impressions (Overnight Plays) 2018
Trick, The (Overnet Plays) 2020
Marlowe, Christopher
Doctor Faustus 1976
Doctor Faustus 1988
Doctor Faustus 2011
Edward II (Play Reading) 1937
Edward II 1968
Marlowe, Derek
How Disaster STruck the Harvest (Colloquialisms) 1964
How I Assumed the Role of a Popular Dandy 1965 (New Plays Festival)
Marowitz, Charles
The Shrew (The Taming of the Shrew) 1979
Marston, John
The Malcontent 1963
Martens, G M
The Hopeful Travellers 1952
Martinus, Eivor
The Father (translation) 1988
Masefield, John
The Witch (adaption) 1934
Mason, Henry
Requiem for Swallows 1997
Massinger, Philip
New Way to Pay Old Debts, A (Play Reading) 1937
Masteroff, Joe
Cabaret 1983
Mateer, James
Columbanus 1983 (New Play)
Matthews, Jo
Life in the Dark, A 2005
Maugham, W Somerset
Circle, The (Play Reading) 1932
Circle, The 1934
Constant Wife, The 2000
For Services Rendered 2018
Loaves and Fishes 1984
Sheppey (Play Reading) 1938
Maule, Wendy St John
Ladies in Waiting 1951 (Student Group)
Mauriac, Francoise
Asmodée 1951
Maurier, Gerald du
Bulldog Drummond 1962
Maxwell, Douglas
Too Fast 2011
May, Frederick
Henry IV (translation) 1966
Liola (translation) 1962 (Student Group)
Other Son, The (translation) 1954 (Student Group)
Other Son, The (translation) 1966 (Student Group)
Right You Are (If You Think So) (translation) 1952
Right You Are (If You Think So) (translation) 1987
Right You Are (If You Think So) (translation) 2000 (Student Group)
Rules of the Game, The (translation) 1961
Six Characters in Search of an Author (translation) 1974
Mayakovsky, Valdimir
The Bedbug 1988
Mayor, Beatrice
The Pleasure Garden 1948 (Student Group)
McDonagh, Donagh
Step in the Hollow 1962
McDonagh, Martin
Beauty Queen of Leenane, The 2002
Cripple of Inishmaan, The 2016
Hangmen 2022
McGuinness, Andrew
Cagnery's Cranium (24 Hour Play) 2016
Cuckoo (Overnight Plays) 2019
Hello Darkness My Old Friend 2016
Five Card Trick 2000
Luca's Spoon 2011
Tonight Will Be A Memory Too (Overnight Plays) 2017
McGuinness, Frank
Dolly West's Kitchen 2005
Observe the Sons of Ulster...1992 (Rehearsed Reading)
Someone Who'll Watch Over Me 2002
McHaffie, M A
Knickers 1981 (translation)
McIntyre, Clare
Low Level Panic 2023
McLeish, Kenneth
Lysistrata (translation) 2005 (Student Group)
The Master Builder (trans) 2015
McLure, James
P V T Wars 1992
McMahon, Sean
Full Disclosure 2020 (Powerplay) (new play)
McNally, Terence
Andre's Mother (World Aid's Day) 1997
Botticelli 1991
McPherson, Connor
The Weir 2006
Dublin Carol 2010
McQueen, Vincent
An Italian Straw Hut 1967 (lyrics)
Late of this Theatre 1966 (New Plays Festival)
Mini Music Hall 1975
Ohh! 1965
Pop (New Play)(New Plays Festival)1964
Somewhere in England 1987
The Beggars' Opera (adaption) 1960
Meehan, Thomas
Annie 2011
Hairspray Jr 2020 (Questors Youth Theatre
Mejjati-Alami, Nadia
Dawn Breaking 2002 (Rehearsed Reading)
Melfi, Leonard
Birdbath (Director's Showcase)
Melville, Alan
The Play's the Thing 1930
Melville, Herman
Moby Dick 1995
The Arbitration 1946
The Arbitation 1993 (Rehearsed Reading)
Menken, Alan
Beauty and the Beast 2010
Little Shop of Horrors 2005
Metcalf, John
By Further Request 1951
Metcalfe, Stephen
Strange Snow 1991
Meyer, Arnold
Bleach 1971 (New Play)
Meyer, Michael
Doll's House, A (translation) 1972
Dream Play, A (translation) 1992
Dance of Death (translation) 2006
Father, The (translation) 1967
Ghosts (translation) 1996
Ghost Sonata, The (translation) 1979
Hedda Gabler (translation) 1968
Hedda Gabler (translation) 1982
John Gabriel Borkman (translation) 1992
Lady from the Sea, The (translation) 1975 (Student Group)
Little Eyolf (translation) 1983
Master Builder, The (translation) 1956
Master Builder, The (translation) 1984
Miss Julie (translation) 1988
Peer Gynt 1969 (translation)
Playing with Fire (translation) 1972
Playing with Fire (translation) 1976 (Student Group)
Rosmersholm (translation) 1978
Stronger, The (translation) 1967
Stronger, The(translation) 1982
Wild Duck, The (translation) 1999
When We Dead Awaken (translation) 1975
Meyer, Peter
Professor Taranne (translation) 1960
Meyers, David
We Will Not To Be Silent (Dark Monday) 2017
Middleton, Thomas
A Chaste Maid in Cheapside (excerpt) 1982 (Director's Showcase)
The Changeling 1994
Mikardo, Michele
Myths 1977
Mikhalkov, Nikita
Burnt by the Sun 2016 (secreenplay)
Mikellatos, Alexandra
Soap of Sorrow (Play Reading) 1951
Testament of Cressied (New Play) 1952
The Long Spoon 1958
Miles, Keith
Chekhov 1985 (New Play)
Dostoevsky 1989
White Nights 1989
Miles-Brown, John
Josie Carbolic 1988 (Rehearsed Reading)
Millay, Edna St Vincent
Aria da Capo 1975 (Director's Showcase)
Miller, Arthur
All My Sons 1993
All My Sons 2015
Broken Glass 2009
Crucible, The 1967 (Student Group)
Crucible, The 1982 (Student Group)
Crucible, The 1999
Crucible, The 2015
Crucible, The (Act 1) 1960 (Student Group)
Death of a Salesman 1962
Death of a Salesman 1995
Price, The 1975
Some Kind of Love Story 1992
Two-Way Mirror 1992
View from the Bridge, A 1980
View from the Bridge, A 2003
Miller, Carl
Emil and the Detectives (adapt) (QYT) 2017
Milne, A A
Miss Elizaeth Bennett (adaption) 1950 (Student Group)
Toad of Toad Hall (adaption) 1977
Winne the Pooh 1994
Wurzel-Flummery 1930
Minghella, Anthony
Two Planks and a Passion 1990 (Student Group)
Minster, Margueritte
Cold Times (translation) 1986
Woyzek (translation) 1989
Minton, Roy
Death in Leicester 1967 (New Play)
Mishima, Yukio
The Damask Drum 1967 (Student Group)
Mitchell, Adrian
Marat/Sade (Adaptation) 1985
The Government Inspector (adaption) 2001 (Student Group)
The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe (adaption) 2004
Bourgeois Gentilhomme, Le 1978
Don Juan 1976
Don Juan 1992 (Rehearsed Reading)
Sganarelle 1958 (Student Group)
Sganarelle 1965 (Student Group)
Tartuffe 1953
Tartuffe 1987
Tartuffe 2002 (Student Group)
The Learned Ladies 2003
The Misanthrope 1980
The Miser 1957
The Miser 2013
The Sisterhood 1994 (Student Group)
Molnar, Ferenc
A Matter of Husbands (Annual Drama Festival) 1941
Phosphorus (Annual Drama Festival) 1946
The Play's The Thing 1930
The Play's The Thing 1990 (Rehearsed Reading)
The Play's The Thing 1992
The Witch (Annual Drama Festival) 1936
Monzaeman, Chikamatsu
The Love Suicides at Sonezaki 1982
Sunburnt Ears 2016 (Questival II)
Moore, Simon
Misery (adaption) 2009
Moorhead, Rachel
Children of the Ironing Board (Overnight Plays) 2023
Make a Wish (Overnight Plays) 2022
Verity (Overnight Plays) 2024
Morgon, Charles
The River Line 1957
Moriarty, Michael
Brother's Keeper 1977
Early Shakespeare and the Late Marlowe (New Play) 1977
Mortimer, John
A Christmas Carol (adaption) 2009
A Flea in Her Ear (translation) 1976
A Little Hotel on the Side (translation) 2001
Call Me a Liar 1968 (Student Group)
Collect Your Hand Baggage 1969 (Student Group)
Lunch Hour 1963 (Director's Showcase)
Lunch Hour 1975 (Director's Showcase)
Lunch Hour 1985
Morton, John Maddison
Box and Cox
Box and Cox (Directors' Showcase) 2013
Moutlon, Herbert
The Mark Twain Show 1977 (Student Group)
Mowat, David
John 1971 (New play)
My Relationship with Jayne 1973 (New Play)
The Almas 1989
The Midnight sun 1983
The Others 1970 (New Play)
Mrozek, Slawomir
Charles 2008
Enchanted Night (Late Night) 2017
Out at Sea 1967
Striptease 1971
Striptease 2008
Tango 1969
The Martyrdom of Peter Ohey 1988 (Student Group)
The Party 1982 (Director's Showcase)
Vatslav 1978
Widows 2008
Murdoch, Iris
The Italian Girl 1971
Murdoch, Shannon
Snap, Snap, Boom 2020 (QExtra - Powerplay) (new play)
Murphy, Thomas
A Crucial Week in the Life of a Grocer's Assistant 1990
Murray, Gibert
The Arbitration (translation) 1946
The Arbitration (translation) 1993 (Rehearsed Reading)
The Trojan Women (translation) 1948
Murray, W
The Other Son (translation) 1974 (Student Group)
Nagihu, Iosif
Weekend 1971
Nagy, Phyllis
The Talented Mr Ripley 2011
Najac, Emile de
Let's Get a Divorce 1965
Nash, Renata
Choice or Chance (Translator) 1992 (Rehearsed Reading)
Naughton, Bill
Spring and Port Wine 1991 (Rehearsed Reading)
Naylor, Hattie
Monsters 1992
Past Imperfect 2016 (Questival II)(New Play)
Neilson, Anthony
The Lying Kind 2015
Wonderful World of Dissocia, The 2015
Nelson, Richard
Goodnight Children Everywhere 2003
Nesbit, Edith
The Railway Children 2008
Nestroy, Johann
On The Razzle (adaption) (Student Group) 2013
Nichols, Peter
A Day in the Death of Joe Egg 1972
Born in the Gardens 1988
Forget-Me-Not-Lane 1974
Passion Play 1993
Privates on Parade 1997
Nicholson, John
The Hound of the Baskervilles (adaption) 2013
Nicholson, Norman
Prophesy to the Wind 1949 (New Play)
The Old Man of the Mountain 1954 (Student Group)
Nicholson, William
Shadowlands 2014
Nicolaeff, Ariadne
A Month in the Country (translation) 1983
The Promise (translation) 1973
The Seagull (translation) 1972
Niggli, Josephine
The Red Velvet Goat 1966 (Student Group)
Sunday Costs Five Pesos 1939
Sunday Costs Five Pesos (Comedy Contrasts) 1944
Norfolk, William
Goodness Gracious! Is that Really Me? 1963 (New Play)
The Exhibitionists are Among Us 1963 (New Play)
Norman, John
Afternoon 1980
Agitator 1976 (New Play)
Crincum Crancum 1973 (New Play)
Edward and Anna 1980
The Owl-Winged Family 1974 (New Play)
Mr Smith 1980
Norris, Bruce
Clybourne Park 2013
Norris, Barney
Eventide 2018
Norton, Tim
The Pierglass 2010
Novak, Jan
Audience (Translator) 1992 (Rehearsed Reading)
Protest (Translator) 1992 (Rehearsed Reading)
Unveiling (Translator) 1992 (Rehearsed Reading)
Nowra, Louis
Spellbound 1986
The Golden Age 1997
Nunn, Trevor
Peter Pan (adaption) 2006
Obaldia, René
The Grand Vizier 1974
The Late 1974
Obey, André
Frost at Midnight 1999
Hopeful Travellers, The 1952
Noah 1939
Noah 1956 (Student Group)
Sacrifice to the Wind 1956
Sacrifice to the Wind (Director's Showcase)
O'Brien, Annie
Choices 1983 (New Play)
O'Casey, Sean
Bedtime Story 1962 (Student Group)
Juno and The Paycock 1953
Juno and The Paycock 1997
The End of the Beginning (Annual Drama Festival) 1937
The Shadow of the Gunman 1990
O'Connell, Richard
The House of Bernarda Alba (translation) 1972 (Student Group)
The House of Bernarda Alba (translation) 1988
O'Connor, Jim
AFW 2020 (Audio Drama)(New play)
A Touch of Rose Madder 2001
Rhythm of the Road 1995
Snooper 1983 (New Play)
O'Donnell, Mark
Hairspray Jr 2020 (Questors Youth Theatre)
O'Farrell, Mairin
The Heart's a Wonder (The Playboy of the
Western World) (adaption) 1979
Oglesby, Tasmin
Future Conditional 2019 (Student Production)
Oldknow, Mark
Jack and The Beanstalk (New Play) 2024
O'Mally, Mary
Once a Catholic 2004
O'Mara, Niall
Soul Trader 2020 (QExtra - Powerplay)(newplay)
O'Neil, Eugene
Ah! Wilderness 1991 (Rehearsed Reading)
Anna Christie 1996
Days Without End 1939
Long Day's Journey into Night 1963
Long Day's Journey into Night 1991
O'Neill, J M
Now You See Him, Now You Don't 1982
Orkeny, Istvan
Blood Relations 1978
Catsplay 1972
Ormerod, Nick
Great Expectations 2007
Orton, Joe
Entertaining Mr Sloane 1990 (Rehearsed Reading)
Entertaining Mr Sloane 1997
Funeral Games 1971
Loot 1979
The Erpingham Camp 1974 (Student Group)
The Erpingham Camp 1987 (Student Group)
The Good and Faithful Servant 1971
The Ruffian on the Stair 1975 (Director's Showcase)
The Ruffian on the Stair 2015 (Directors' Showcase)
What the Butler Saw 1977
What the Butler Saw 2002
Orwell, George
Animal Farm 1987
Animal Farm 2018 (QYT)
Ninety Eighty Four 2019
Osborne, John
Entertainer, The 1979
Epitaph for George Dillon 1961
Gift of Friendship, The 1980 (Director's Showcase)
Hotel in Amsterdam, The 1976
Look Back in Anger 1966
Look Back in Anger 2002
Ostrovsky, Alexander
A Family Affair 1997
Diary of a Scoundrel (New Play) 1946
It's a Family Affair 1943
Too Clever by Half 1992
Owen, Alan
George's Room (Directors' showcase) 2016
Norma 1981 (Showcase)
Rough and Ready Lot, The 1963
Owen, Wilfred
Anthem for Doomed Youth 1982