The Questors National Student Playwriting Competition (Winner)

by B F Herst

The Questors Playhouse
June 1988
Directed by John Davey
Designed by Ray Dunning
Lighting by Tim Hayward
Sound by Richard Hetherington
Costumes by Jane Dewey

Alex Bew, Sally Cooper, John Hines, Nigel Lawrence, Piers Whibley
Production Team:
Mary Angus, Maria Chrysikkos, Sharon Collis, John Davey, Jane Dewey, Maggie Doherty, David Dunne, Ray Dunning, Susan Ellam, Deirdre Haworth, Tim Hayward, Richard Hetherington, Becky Millard, Richard Moore, Val Moran, Pauline Nixon, Hazel Nunn, Helen Pullin, Martin Sapsed, Peter Terry, Robin Thompson, Sophie West, Paul Whiting, Richard Wood