The Questors National Student Playwriting Competition (Runner Up)

by Tony Green

The Questors Studio
May 1996
The Man in the Moon Theatre September 1996
Directed & Designed by John Horwood
Lighting by Martin Sapsed & Ben Wright
Sound by Nigel Worsley
John Dobson, Graeme Mearns, Norman Wilkinson
Production Team:
[The Questors Studio]
John Horwood, Jill McMahon, Karen Milburn, Russell Plows, Martin Sapsed, Claire Whiteley, Nigel Worsley, Ben Wright.

[Man in the Moon]
Richard Bridgen, Rachel Darlington, Carolyn Fallek, David Goldsworthy, Cullen Henshaw, John Horwood, Barry Jones, Glenda Kerney, Fleur Lloyd, Jill Mcmahon, Karen Milburn, Terry Mummery, Carol Murphy, Mike Nichols, Russell Plows, Lynne Richardson, Martin Sapsed, Claire Whiteley, Nigel Worsley