List of Productions
1929, 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1938, 1939
Best People, The -
Buggins Family at the Zoo, The
I'll Leave It to You
Me and My Diary
Play's The Thing, The
Postal Orders
Restaurant Episode, The
Road of Poplars, The
Two Gentlemen of Soho
Wurzel-Flummery - 1931
Bill of Divorcement, A
Importance of Being Earnest (Play Reading)
Road of Poplars, The
Windows (Play Reading)
Arms and The Man (Play Reading)
Circle, The (Play Reading)
Heartbreak House (Play Reading)
Man with a Load of Mischief, The (Play Reading)
Mary Stuart (Play Reading)
Romantic Young Lady, The
To Meet The King
You Never Can Tell -
At the Shrine (Annual Drama Festival)
Behold We Live (Play Reading)
Betrothed, The (Annual Drama Festival)
Bill of Divorcement (excerpt), A (Annual Drama Festival)
Christmas Present, A (Annual Drama Festival)
Dragon's Teeth
Faraway Princess, The
Magic of an Hour, The (Annual Drama Festival)
Naked (Play Reading)
Prelude and Fugue (Annual Drama Festival)
Stronger, The (Annual Drama Festival)
White Haired Boy, The (Play Reading)
Young Woodley (Play Reading)
Brainstorm, The (extract) (Annual Drama Festival)
Chinese White (Annual Drama Festival)
Circle, The
Constant Nymph, The (extract)(Annual Drama Festival)
Doctor's Duty, The (British Drama League Festival)
Dr Knock
Drawback, The (Annual Drama Festival)
Gruach (Play Reading)
Proposal, The (Annual Drama Festival)
Unknown Warrior, The (Play Reading)
Venus and the Shepherdess (Annual Drama Festival)
Witch, The
- 1935
Androcles and the Lion (Play Reading)
Captain Banner
Catherine Parr (Annual Drama Festival)
Finger of God, The (Annual Drama Festival)
Getting Married (Play Reading)
Love in the Ape House (Annual Drama Festival)
Macbeth (The Junior Questors)
Madretta (Annual Drama Festival)
Man With a Flower in his Mouth, The (Play Reading)
Margot (British Drama League Festival)
Mask and the Face, The (Play Reading)
Merchant of Venice, The (extract) (Annual Drama Festival)
Mr Sampson (Annual Drama Festival)
Reunion in Vienna (extract) (Annual Drama Festival)
Sacred Cat, The (Annual Drama Festival)
She Passed Through Lorraine (Play Reading)
Taming of The Shrew, The
Wonderful Zoo
Back to Methusaleh (extract) (Annual Drama Festival)
Bernice (Play Reading)
Birds, The
Flame, The (British Drama League Festival)
Getting Married (Play Reading)
King John (extract) (Annual Drama Festival)
Lima Beans (Annual Drama Festival)
Mask, The (Annual Drama Festival)
Quaker's 'Cello, The (Annual Drama Festival)
Shepherds' Play, The (The Wakefield Cycle)
Sleeping Clergyman, A (Play Reading)
Strolling Clerk from Paradise, The (Annual Drama Festival)
Twelfth Night
Witch, The (Annual Drama Festival)
Beaux' Stratagem, The (Play Reading)
Dandy Dick
Danger (Annual Drama Festival)
Dark Lady of the Sonnets, The (Annual Drama Festival)
Edward II (Play Reading)End of the Beginning, The (Annual Drama Festival)
Fatal Rubber, The (Annual Drama Festival)
Hunt the Tiger (Annual Drama Festival)
Inca of Perusalem, The (Annual Drama Festival)
Jealous Wife, The
Lima Beans (Welwyn Drama Festival)
New Way to Pay Old Debts, A (Play Reading)
Prelude and Fugue (Annual Drama Festival)
Return, The (Annual Drama Festival)
Requiem to Posterity
Road of Poplars, The (Annual Drama Festival)
They Refuse to be Resurrected (Annual Drama Festival)
Twelfth Night (scenes) (British Drama League Festival)
Vacant Possession (Annual Drama Festival)
Villa for Sale (Annual Drama Festival) -
Bear, The (Annual Drama Festival)
Bride for The Unicorn, A
Doll's House, A (Play Reading)
Florentine Tragedy, A (Annual Drama Festival)
Herald, The (Annual Drama Festival)
King of the Great Clock Tower, The (Annual Drama Festival)
Liars, The (Play Reading)
Lovely Miracle, The (Annual Drama Festival)
Man Born to be Hanged, A (Annual Drama Festival)
Marry-go-Round (Annual Drama Festival)
Sheppey (Play Reading)
Tobias and the Angel (Play Reading) -
Black Eye, The (Play Reading)
Dangerous Corner (Play Reading)
Days Without End
Questors Revue, The
Sunday Costs Five Pesos
Waxen Man, The