List of Plays: K L M

Kennedy's Children 1977

Kerry Dance, The 1999

Kill! Kill! 1967 (New Play)

Killing of Sister George, The 1978

Kind Hearts and Comedies 1993

Kind of Alaska, A 1989

King, The 1975 (Directors' Showcase)

King Arthur and the Twelfth Knight (New Play) 2022

King Charles III 2019

King John (extract) (Annual Drama Festival) 1936
King John 1954

King Lear 1975
King Lear (extract) 1983 (Director's Showcase)
King Lear 2000

King of the Great Clock Tower, The (Annual Drama Festival) 1938

Knackering for All 1984

Knickers 1981

Knight of the Burning Pestle, The 1959

Knives in Hens 2008

Knopped up by Naughty Helen 2008

Knuckle 1985

Krapp's Last Tape 1962 (Director's Showcase)
Krapp's Last Tape 2018

Kvetch 2010

Labyrinth of Iron, A 2007

Ladies' Day 2010

Ladies Down Under 2011

Ladies in Waiting 1951 (Student Group)

Lady Audley's Secret 1961

Lady Betty 2000

Lady from the Sea, The 1975 (Student Group)

Lady in the Van, The 2007

Lady of Dreams (Annual Drama Festival) 1944

Lady of Larkspur Lotion, The 1961 (Student Group)

Lady of Larkspur Lotion, The 1979

Lady Precious Stream (Play Reading) 1948

Lady Susan 1987
Lady Susan 2017

Lady Windermere's Fan 1993

Lady's not for Burning, The 1987

Ladybird 2003 (Rehearsed Reading)
Ladybird 2004 (Rehearsed Reading)

Ladykillers, The 2017

Landscape 1977

Lark, The 1976

Larkin with Women 2017

Lark Rise 1984

Last Analysis, The 1974 (New Play)

Last of the Hassmans, The 2017

Last Emperors, The 1971

Last Post, The 2020 (Scenes of Solitude)

Last to Go 1981 (Student Group)

Late, The 1974

Late of this Theatre 1966 (New Plays Festival)

Laughing Willow, The 1968 (New Play)

Leader, The 1963 (Director's Showcase)

Leap in the Dark (New Play) (Rehearsed Reading)

Lear 1976
Lear 1990 (Student Group)

Learned Ladies, The 2003

Legacy, The 2005

Legend (Annual Drama Festival) 1943

Lemming and the Lifebelt, The 1995

Lent 1994

Leonardo's Last Supper 1982 (Director's Showcase)
Leonardo's Last Supper 1983

Leonce and Lena 1982 (Rehearsed Reading)

Lesson, The 1960
Lesson, The (Director's Showcase) 1976
Lesson, The 2008

Let's Get a Divorce 1965

Letter of Last Resort, The 2021

Lettice and Lovage 1997

Liaisons Dangereuses, Les 1995
Liaisons Dangereuses, Les 2009

Liar and the Watch, The 1994

Liars, The (Play Reading) 1938

Libertine, The 2010 (Student Group)

Life, A 1985

Life and Death of Almost Everybody, The 1970 (New Play)

Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby, The 2003

Life in the Dark, A 2005

Life in the Theatre (Excerpts), A 2001

Life is A Dream 1999

Life of Riley, A 1991 (Rehearsed Reading)

Light Shining in Buckinghamshire 1979

Light Turns Blue, The 2023 (Youth Theatre)

Lima Beans (Welwyn Drama Festival) 1937
Lima Beans (Comedy Contrasts) 1944

Lindy-Anna Jones and the Fist of Doom (New Play) (Overnight Plays) 2023

Liola 1962 (Student Group)

Lion in Winter, The 1996

Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, The 2004

Lithuania 1964 (Student Group)

Little Dorrit 2023

Little Dry Thorn, The 1949

Little Eyolf 1983

Little Hotel on the Side, A 2001

Little Night Music, A 1993
Little night Music, A 2016

Little Patch of Ground, A 2011

Little Shop of Horrors 2005

Little Women 1997

Live Like Pigs 1999 (Student Group)

Living Room 1961

Living Together (The norman Conquests) 1986

Loaves and Fishes 1984

London Assurance 1989
London Assurance 2014

London Cuckolds, The 2006

Lonesome Like (Annual Drama Festival) 1945
Lonesome Like 1973 (Student Group)

Long Day's Journey into Night 1963
Long Day's Journey into Night 1991

Long Spoon, The 1958

Long Way Away 1984 (New Play)

Look Back in Anger 1966
Look Back in Anger 2002

Looking after Molly 2000

Looking Glass Lesson 1992

Looking Glass, Looking Glass 1962 (Student Group)

Loop of Time 1978

Loot 1979

Lopsided Moon 1990 (Rehearsed Reading)

Lord Byron's Love Letter 1979

Lost 1988

Love and How to Cure it (Annual Drama Festival) 1940

Love and Money (Young Studio) 2017

Love for Love 1978

Love in the Ape House (Annual Drama Festival) 1935
Love in the Ape House (Annual Drama Festival) 1940

Love of Don Perlimplin, The 1961 (Student Group)

Love of Pegeen Cuaran, The 1956 (Student Group)

Love of the Nightingale, The 1993
Love of the Nightingale, The 2005 (Student Group)

Love on the Dole (excerpt) (Annual Drama Festival)1942
Love on the Dole (extract) 1982

Love Story 2021 (Overnight Plays)(New Play)

Love Suicides at Sonezaki, The 1982

Love's Labours Lost 1976
Love's Labours Lost (Student Group) 1998
Love's Labours Lost (Student Group) 2017

Love's Sacrifice 1988

Lovely Sunday for Creve Coeur, A 1988

Lovely Miracle, The (Annual Drama Festival) 1938

Loveplay (Student Group)

Lover, The 1967
Lover, The 1975 (Student Group)
Lover, The 1983 (Director's Showcase)

Lovers 2011

Lovers on the Underground 1976 (Student Group)

Lovers' Vows 1989 (Rehearsed Reading)

Low Level Panic 2023

Loyalties 1991 (Rehearsed Reading)

Luca's Spoon 2011

Lunch Hour 1963 (Director's Showcase)
Lunch Hour 1975 (Director's Showcase)
Lunch Hour 1985

Lux in Tenebris 1986 (Student Group)

Lying Kind, The 2015

Lykos: The Danger in the Maze (New Play) 1977

Lying Game, The 2021 (Overnight Plays)(New Play)

Lysistrata 1962
Lysistrata 1973
Lysistrata 1982 (Student Group)
Lysistrata 2005 (Student Group)

Macbeth (The Junior Questors) 1935
Macbeth 1938
Macbeth (excerpt) (Annual Drama Festival) 1944
Macbeth 1966
Macbeth 1976
Macbeth 1980
Macbeth 1994
Macbeth 2008
Macbeth 2015

Macbeths, At Home with the 1993

Mad Woman of Chaillot, The 1968 (Student Group)

Mad World My Masters, A 1978

Madame Bovary: Breakfast with Emma 2009

Madness of George III, The 2002

Madras House, The 1988 (Rehearsed Reading)

Madretta (Annual Drama Festival) 1935

Maggie's Mr Right 1994

Magic of an Hour, The 1933

Magistrate, The 1981

Maids, The 1965
Maids, The 1982

Maids, The 1994
Maids, The 2002
Maids, The 2018 (Student Group)

Major Barbara 1953
Major Barbara 1965 (Student Group)

Make A Wish 2022 (Overnight Plays)

Making Noise Quietly 1988

Making of Moo, The 1990 (Rehearsed Reading)

Malcontent, The 1963

Man and Superman 1969

Man Born to be Hanged, A (Annual Drama Festival) 1938

Man for All Seasons, A 1979

Man is Man 1977

Man of the Future is Dead, The 1987 (Rehearsed Reading)

Man who Came to Dinner, The 1987 (Student Group)
Man who Came to Dinner, The 2011 (Student Group)

Man who Shot the Tiger, The 1987

Man With a Flower in His Mouth (Play Reading) 1935

Man with a Load of Mischief, The (Play Reading) 1932
Man with a Load of Mischief, The 1942

Man with Connections, A 1992 (Rehearsed Reading)

Man's Best Friend, A 1979 (Student Group)

Marat/Sade 1985

Marching Song 1959

Margot (British Drama League Festival) 1935
Margot 1964 (Director's Showcase)

Maria Marten or The Murder in the Red Barn 1958
Maria Marten or The Murder in the Red Barn 1986

Marilyn Meets Bobby and Johnny 1993

Mark Twain Show, The 1977 (Student Group)

Marriage 1973 (Student Group)
Marriage 1995 (Student Group)

Marriage of Figaro, The 1990

Marry-Go-Round (Annual Drama Festival) 1938
Marry-Go-Round (Club Evening) 1940

Martin Guerre 1979

Martine 1944
Martine 1996

Martyrdom of Peter Ohey, The 1988 (Student Group)

Marvellous Land of Oz, The 2009

Mary Barnes 1981

Mary Queen of Scots Got Her Head Chopped Off 2003

Mary Stuart (Play Reading) 1932
Mary Stuart 2013

Maryland 2021 (Staged Reading)

Mask, The (Annual Drama Festival) 1936
Mask, The 1951 (Student Group)

Mask and the Face, The (Play Reading) 1935

Master Builder, The 1956
Master Builder, The 1984
Master Builder, The 2015

Masterpieces 1992

Matchmaker, The 1984 (Student Group)
Matchmaker, The 2000

Maternity 2004 (Rehearsed Reading)

Matter of Husbands, A (Annual Drama Festival) 1941

Mayor of Torontal, The 1968 (Student Group)

Me and Gregory Peck (Questival II)

Me and My Diary 1930

Measure for Measure 1980
Measure for Measure (excerpt) 1982 (Director's Showcase)
Measure for Measure 1989
Measure for Measure 2016

Medal of Honour Rag 1991

Medea 1980

Memorandum, The 1989 (Rehearsed Reading)

Memory of Water, The 2002

Men and Woman 1985 (Directors' Showcase)

Men Should Weep 1991

Menaechmi, The 1969 (Rehearsed Reading)
Menaechmi, The 1976 (Rehearsed Reading)

Merchant of Venice, The (extract) (Annual Drama Festival) 1935
Merchant of Venice, The 1952
Merchant of Venice, The 1977
Merchant of Venice, The 2004

Merchant of Yonkers, The 1951

Mercury Fur 2007

Merry Wives of Windsor, The 1999

Metamorphosis 1996

Metamorphosis of Woody Allen, The (American Dreams) 1987

Micromania 1985 (New Play)

Mid Floor 2020 (Audio Drama)(New play)

Midnight 2021 (Audio Drama)(New Play)

Midnight Sun, The 1983

Midsummer Night's Dream, A (Pyramus and Thisbe) 1941
Midsummer Night's Dream, A (excerpt) 1952 (Student Group)
Midsummer Night's Dream, A 1964
Midsummer Night's Dream, A (excerpt) 1977 (Student Group)
Midsummer Night's Dream, A 1978
Midsummer Night's Dream, A 1988
Midsummer Night's Dream, A 1995 (Student Group)
Midsummer Night's Dream, A 2004
Midsummer Night's Dream, A 2008 (Student Group)
Midsummer Night's Dream, A 2018

Mill on the Floss, The 1999

Mind 2019 (Overnight Plays)

Mind Forest, The 1989

Mini Music Hall 1975

Minuet, A (Annual Drama Festival) 1941

Miracle at Graceland (American Dreams) 1987

Mirandolina 1995

Misalliance 1960
Misalliance 1985

Misanthrope, The 1980

Miser, The 1957
Miser, The 2013

Misery 2009

Miss Elizaeth Bennett 1950 (Student Group)

Miss in her Teens 1973 (Student Group)

Miss Julie 1988
Miss Julie 2002

Moby Dick 1995

Mojo 2018

Moll Flanders 1991 (Student Group)

Molly Sweeney 2002

Monologues 2004

Monsieur Bon-Bon 1953 (Student Group)

Monsieur Geronte 1991 (Rehearsed Reading)

Monster Under the Bed, The 2012

Monsters 1992

Month in the Country, A (Play Reading) 1940
Month in the Country, A 1962
Month in the Country, A 1983

Moon Made Me, The 2022 (New Play) (Disintegration)

Moon in the Yellow River, The 1943

Moonchildren 1991

MoonshiPt 1977

More Adventures in Time and Space 2007

Mort 1998

Mother, The 1993

Mother Courage and Her Children 1967
Mother Courage and Her Children 1989

Mother Figure 1979 (Student Group)
Mother Figure 1991 (Showcase)

Mother Goose 2017

Mountain Language 1989

Mourning the Marigolds 2001 (Rehearsed Reading)

Mouth to Mouth 2006

Mouthpieces 1995

Mr Bolfry 1947

Mr Sampson (Annual Drama Festival) 1935
Mr Sampson (Annual Drama Festival) 1946

Mr Smith 1980

Mrs Klein 1997

Mrs Warren's Profession 2013

Much Ado About Nothing 1946
Much Ado About Nothing 1993
Much Ado About Nothing 2007
Much Ado About Nothing 2023

Multitudes 2018

Murder in the Cathedral (excerpt) 1954 (Student Group)
Murder in the Cathedral 1981

Murder in the Nile 2023

Musica, La 1966 (Director's Showcase)

Mute (New Play)(Festival of New Theatre) 2022

My Brother's Keeper 2003 (Rehearsed Reading)

My Mother Said I Never Should 1991

My Night with Reg 2000

My Poll and My Partner Joe 1966

My Relationship with Jayne 1973 (New Play)

My Sister in This House 1989

Mysterious Case of the Missing Jazz Hands 2020 (QExtra)

Myths 1977