List of Plays 0-9, A B C
Abandon Hope (New Play) (Annual Drama Festival) 1944
Abigail's Party 1995
Abigail's Party 2010
Absent Friends 2002
Absent Friends 2018
Absurd Person Singular 1977
Absurd Person Singular 2012
Accidental Death of an Anarchist 1998
Account 1989 (Rehearsed Reading)
Accrington Pals, The 1983
Accrington Pals, The 2004
Accrington Pals, The 2010 (Student Group)
Actress and the Engineer, The 1983 (New Play)
Actresses Will Happen Even in the Best Regulated Families 1977
Admirable Bashville, The 1980 (Student Group)
Affected Young Ladies, The 1955
Afraid to Fight 1963 (Director's Showcase)
After Magritte 1974 (Director's Showcase)
After Magritte 1975 (Student Group)
After Magritte 2008
After the Rain 1990 (Rehearsed Reading)
After Liverpool (New Play) 1970
AFW 2020 (Audio Drama)(New play)
Agamemnon 1986 (Student Group)
Agnes of God 1991 (Rehearsed Reading)
Ah! Wilderness 1991 (Rehearsed Reading)
Air Raid (New Play) (Annual Drama Festival)1941
Aladdin 1981
Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp 2013
Alas Poor Fred 1995 (Rehearsed Reading)
Albert, Make us Laugh 1986 (Student Group)
Albert, Make Us Laugh 2018 (Student Group)
Alchemist, The (New Play) (Annual Drama Festival) 1943
Alchemist, The 1972
Alchemist, The 2009
Altheim (New Play) (Rehearsed Reading) 1964
Alice Through the Looking Glass 1994
Alice Through the Looking Glass 2011
All Day Breakfast 1995
All Good Children (New Play) (Annual Drama Festival) 1944
All My Own Work 1961 (Student Group)
All My Sons 1993
All My Sons 2015
All the Lonely People 1970 (New Play)
All's Well that Ends As You Like It 2012
All's Well that Ends Well (abridged) 1941
Alpha Beta (extract) 1982
Alpha Beta 1975 (Directors' Showcase)
Amazing Dancing Bear, The 1981
American Dream, The 1974 (Student Group)
An American Dream 1974
Analyst, The 2003 (Rehearsed Reading)
Andre's Mother (World Aid's Day) 1997
Androcles and the Lion (Play Reading) 1935
Animal Farm 1987
Animal Farm 2018 (QYT)
Anniversary, The 1952 (Student Group)
Antigone 1955 (Student Group)
Antigone 1959 (Student Group)
Antigone 1963 (Student Group)
Antigone 2002
Antigone 2013
Apointment, The 1969 (New Play)
Apotheosis of Hermione Throssel, The (New Play) (Annual Drama Festival)1940
Appropriation (24 Hour Plays) 2016
Arabian Nights (adaption) 2008
Arbitration, The 1946
Arbitration, The 1993 (Rehearsed Reading)
Architect and the Emperor of Assyria, The 1974
Aria da Capo 1975
Arms and the Man (Play Reading) 1932
Arms and the Man 1940
Arms and the Man (excerpt) 1952 (Student Group)
Arms and the Man 1966
Arms and the Man 2015
Around the World in Eighty Days 2013
Arro' Arro' Robin Hood the Panto (24 Hour Plays) 2105
Arsenic and Old Lace 1982
Arsenic and Old Lace 2007
Artist Descending a Staircase 2004
As Time Passes By 2016 (New Play)(Quarchives II)
As You Like It (excerpt) (Annual Drama Festival) 1941
As You Like It 1942
As You Like It 1973
As You Like It 2006
Asmodée 1951
Assembly Women, The 1986 (Student Group)
At Home with the Macbeths 1993 (Rehearsed Reading)
At the Hawk's Well 1964 (Director's Showcase)
Audience 1992 (Rehearsed Reading)
Back to Methusaleh (extract) (Annual Drama Festival) 1936
Back to Methusaleh (extract) (Annual Drama Festival)1947
Balcony, The 2000
Balcony, The 2014 (Student Group)
Bald Prima-Donna, The 1964 (Student Group)
Ballad and The Moon, A (RR) 1952
Bananas 2020 (QExtra-Powerplay)(new play)
Bang Bang (Overnight Plays) 2018
Barnstable (Ends and Echoes) (NPF1) 1960
Barnstable 1978 (Student Group)
Bats in the Attic (New Play)(QExtra) 2023
Bay at Nice, The 1991 (Rehearsed Reading)
Bear, The 1937
Bear, The (Annual Drama Festival) 1938
Bear, The 1950
Bear, The 1996
Bear, the 2018
Beasts of Tiresias, The 1974
Beau Defeated, The 1997 (Student Group)
Beauty Queen of Leenane, The 2002
Beauty and the Beast 1990
Beauty and the Beast 2010
Beaux'Stratagem, The (Play Reading) 1937
Beaux' Stratagem, The 1949
Beaux' Stratagem, The 1967
Beaux' Stratagem, The 1994
Beckett (extract) 1966 (Director's Showcase)
Bedroom Farce 1985
Bedroom Farce 2008
Bedtime Story 1962 (Student Group)
Beggars' Opera, The 1960
Beggars' Opera, The 1979
Behold We Live (Play Reading) 1933
Being for the Benefit of Mr Kite
Belle's Stratagem, The 1989 (Rehearsed Reading)
Ben 1975 (Directors' Showcase)
Best of Friends, The 1991 (Rehearsed Reading)
Best People, The 1929
Best People, The 1989 (Rehearsed Reading)
Betrayal 1982
Betrayal 2013
Betrayal 2020 (QExtra) (new play)
Better a Dead Hero...? 1954 (New Play)
Between Mouthfuls 1979 (Student Group)
Bill of Divorcement, A 1931
Bill of Divorcement, A 1933
Billy Club Puppets, The 1980 (Student Group)
Birdbath 1978 (Director's Showcase)
Bird of Paradise, The 1991 (Showcase)
Bird on the Wire (New Play) 2017
Birthday Party, The 1959
Birthday Party, The 2001
Black Comedy 1970 (Student Group)
Black Comedy 1983 (Student Group)
Black Comedy 1985
Black Comedy 2008
Black Eye, The (Play Reading) 1939
Black and White, The 1981 (Student Group)
Blessed Damozel, The (New Play) (Annual Drama Festival) 1944
Blithe Spirit 1986
Blithe Spirit 2003
Blithe Spirit 2024
Blood and Presidency (Unseens) 2005
Blood Sports 2018 (Student Group)
Blood Wedding 1955 (Student Group)
Blood Wedding 1987
Bloody Poetry 1990 (Rehearsed Reading)
Bloody Poetry 2007
Blue Eyes 2020 (Scenes in Solitude)(New play)
Blue Stockings 2014 (Student Group)
Bold Stroke for a Wife, A 1954
Bondage (Annual Drama Festival) (New Play)1947
Borage Pigeon Affair, The 1969 (New Play)
Borderline Case, A 1974 (New Play)
Bourgeois Gentilhomme, Le 1978
Bower of Wendel, The 1943
Boys From Wishbone Junction, The (New Play)(QExtra) 2023
Box and Cox 1961
Box and Cox 2013 (Directors' Showcase)
Brain Drain (Overnight Plays) 2023
Brainstorm, The (extract) (Annual Drama Festival) 1934
Bridge, The 1966 (Rehearsed Reading)
Brimstone and Treacle 1981 (Showcase)
Bristol Hotel (New Play) (Annual Drama Festival) 1941
Buggins Family at The Zoo, The 1930
Bugsy Malone (Youth Poduction) 2019
Bulldog Drummond 1962
Bulldog Drummond 1965
Business 2009 (Rehearsed Reading)
Business 2012
Busy-Body, The 1989 (Rehearsed Reading)
Busy-Body, The 1990
But Now I Am Returned (New Play) 1945
Butterfly's Evil Spell, The 1976
By The Time You Read this (Rehearse Reading) 1994
By Request (An Original Revue) 1949
By Royal Appointment (24 hour plays) 2013
Bye-Bye Blues 1975 (Student Group)
Bye-Bye Blues 1987 (Student Group)
Bye Bye Blues 2004
Cage Birds, The 1985 (Student Group)
Cagney's Cranium (24 Hour Plays) 2016
Call Me a Liar 1968 (Student Group)
Call Me The Sea 2022 (New Play)(Disintegtration)
Candida 1938
Candida 1949
Candida 1987
Candlelight and Babylon (New Play) 1972
Carer 2015 (Directors' Showcase)
Case of Dimity Ann, The 1963 (Director's Showcase)
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof 1994
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof 2023
Catalogue of Errors 2019 (QExtra)
Catch, The (Overnight Plays) 2019
Catherine Parr (Annual Drama Festival) 1935
Caucasian Chalk Circle, The 1969 (Student Group)
Caucasian Chalk Circle, The 1988
Caucasian Chalk Circle, The 2000
Caucasian Chalk Circle, The 2008 (Student Group)
Cave of Salamanca, The 1956 (Student Group)
Cavelleria Rusticana 1957 (Student Group)
Chairs, The 1965 (Director's Showcse)
Chairs, The 2008
Chamber Music 1974
Chamber Music 1978 (Student Group)
Changing, The (Rehearsed Reading) 1989
Charley's Aunt 1961
Charley's Aunt 1988
Charley's Aunt 2008
Charley's Aunt 2019 (Student Production)
Chaste Maid in Cheapside, A (excerpt) 1982 (Director's Showcase)
Cherry Orchard, The 1943
Cherry Orchard, The 1965
Cherry Orchard, The 1985
Cherry Orchard, The 2004
Cherry Sisters, The 1985
Cherry Sisters, The 2004
Child of Light (New Play) (Annual Drama Festival) 1943
Children of Saturn, The 1962 (New Play)(New Plays Festival)
Children of the Ironing Board (Overnight Plays) 2023
Chinese White (Annual Drama Festival) 1934
Chitra (Annual Drama Festival) 1941
Choice or Chance 1992 (Rehearsed Reading)
Christmas at the Market Place 1950
Cinderella 2007
Cinderella (24 Hour plays) 2015
Cinderella 2016
Cinderloo (Overnet Plays) 2020
Circle, The (Play Reading) 1932
Circle, The 1934
City Wives' Confederacy, The 1949 (Student Group)
Clandestine Marriage, The 2005
Cloak, The (Annual Drama Festival) 1945
Close Shave, A (24 hour Plays) 2013
Club Evening 1940
Coarse Acting:
The World Coarse Acting Championships 1972
The Coarse Acting Show 2, 1979
The Third Great Coarse Acting Show 1983
The Coarse Acting Show 1987
Coarse Acting - The Fourth World Championships 1995
Coarse Acting - The Revenge 1996
Coarse Acting
Rides Again 2004
Coarse Shakespeare - The Final Folio 2012
Coercion (Annual Drama Festival)1946
Cogner au Plafond (Bashing on the Ceiling) 2007
Collect Your Hand Baggage 1969 (Student Group)
Collection, The 1965 (Director's Showcase)
Collection, The 1967
Collier's Friday Night, A 1970
Come Back to the Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean 1998
Comedy of Errors, The 1969
Comedy of Errors, The 1995 (workshop)
Comedy of Errors, The 1996
Comedy of Errors, The 2010
Coming Round (New Play)(QExtra) 2023
Committal (Ends and Echoes) (NPF1) 1960
Complete Works of William Shakespeare, The (abridged) 2011
Conscript (Play Reading) (New Play) 1951
Constant Nymph, The (Annual Drama Festival) 1934
Contractions 2010
Contractions 2021
Conversations after a Burial 2006
Corinth House 1952 (Student Group)
Coriolanus 1964 (Director's Showcase)
Coriolanus 1975
Count on Jimmy 1989 (Rehearsed Reading)
Country, The 2001
Country, The 2008
Country Wife, The 1965
Country Wife, The 1985
Country Wife, The 2017
Courtyard, The 1961 (New Play) (New Plays Festival)
Crabbed Age and Youth 1954 (Student Group)
Cradle Song, The (excerpt) 1947 (Student Group)
Crime and Punishment 1979 (Student Group)
Criminal Genius (Suburban Motel) 2011
Crincum Crancum 1973 (New Play)
Cripple of Inishmaan, The 2016
Crisp and Even Brightly 1988 (Rehearsed Reading)
Critical Daylight 1983 (New Play)
Crown for the Strong, A 1967 (New Play)
Crucial Week in the Life of a Grocer's Assistant, A 1990
Crucible, The (Act 1) 1960 (Student Group)
Crucible, The 1967 (Student Group)
Crucible, The 1982 (Student Group)
Crucible, The 1999
Crucible, The 2015
Cry for Treason, A 1967 (New Play) Cry of Treason, A 1991 (Rehearsed Reading)