ROOK (A Comic Nightmare)
by John Horwood and the Cast

The Questors Studio
June 1991
Directed by John Horwood
Designed by John Horwood, Tessa Curtis
Lighting by Martin Sapsed
Sound by Nigel Worsley
Costumes by Brad Askew, Debbie Ward
Gabrielle Hecht, Deborah Hunt, Ceri Jones, Sebastian Keogh, Paul Morel, Mark Redrup, Tanya Scott-Wilson
Production Team:
Lynne Blakemore, Henry Broom, Kris Collier, Marilyn Creegor, Tessa Curtis, Denny Gaskill, Jo Gattenberg, Maury Horwich, John Horwood, Bob Hoskins, Geoff Moore, Brin Parsonage, Jenny Richardson, Jon Webster, Alex Whitcomb, Nigel Worsley