by Henry Arthur Jones and Henry Herman

The Questors Playhouse
DEcember 1965
Directed by Barbara Hutchins
Lighting by Malcolm Fergusson, Gerry Isenthal
Sound by Frank Hillier
Anthony Barber, Martin Bowley, Sandra Bromberg, Tony Colston, Judith Emmet, Dennis Estop, Joan Evans, Richard Gaunt, Stanley Goodchild, Alexandra Grajnert, Michael Green, John Howard, Dorinne Ingram, Harry Ives, Harry Ives, Martin Macdonald, Gavin Mcqueen, Philip Remington, Bill Rudderham, Ted Scrivener, Sheila Sorley, Dorothy Boyd Taylor, Douglas Thomas, Bill Wall, Timothy Whelan, Philip Wright
Production Team:
Bob Bailey, Neville Bradbury, Fred Cann, Mick Edwards, David Emmet, Malcolm Fergusson, Vic Fisher, Toy Garner, Richard Gaunt, Alan Hescott, Frank Hillier, John M. Howard, Ruth Howard, Barbara Hutchins, Gerry Isenthal, Jacqueline Janes, Sue Maginley, Penny Makin, Neil Mathieson, Margaret Mckenzie, Carol Spencer, Robert Ellis Turnbull, Jenny Vincent, Judith Watson