List of Plays N O P Q
Napoleon 1993 (Rehearsed Reading)
Narrow Road to the Deep North 1972
Nathan and Tabileth (New Play)(Experiment) 1946
Nervous - Very, Very, Dreadfully Nervous 1992
New Way to Pay Old Debts, A (Play Reading) 1937
Next Stop Paradise (New Play) (RR) 1955
Next Time I'll Sing to You 1962 (New Play)(New Plays Festival)
Next Time I'll Sing to You 1990 (Rehearsed Reading)
Next Time I'll Sing to You 1995
Night 1979 (Student Group)
Night 1987 (Student Group)
Night Before Spring, The (New Play) 1955
Night Out, A 1966 (Student Group)
Night Out, A 1984 (Student Group)
Night-Time for the Birds 1963 (Student Group)
Night-Time for the Birds 1979
Night to Make Angels Weep, A 1990 (Rehearsed Reading)
Nicholas Nickleby, The Life and Adventures of 2003
Nineteen Hundred and Five (1905) 1991
No Fairy Tale 1997 (Rehearsed Reading)
No Camels in Israel 1968 (New Play)
No Company (New Play) (Annual Drama Festival) 1944
No Flowers by Request 1983 (New Play)
No Quarter 1964
No Quarter 1979
Noah 1939
Noah 1956 (Student Group)
Norman Conquests, The: Round and Round Again 1986
Norman Conquests, The: Living Together 1986
Norman Conquests, The: Table Manners 1986
Not About The Crown (Overnight Plays) 2017
Not Goodbye 2016 (Quarchives II)
Nothing But Complete Oblivion 2021 (Audio Drama)(New Play)
Now You See Him, Now You Don't 1982
Nutty Slack Spectacular, The 1973 (New Play)
Observe the Sons of Ulster... 1992 (Rehearsed Reading)
Oedocles - King of Thebes 1996
Offending the Audience 1992 (Rehearsed Reading)
Office of Profit, An 1970 (Student Group)
Oh Sister! 1966 (Director's Showcase)
Oh! What a Lovely War 1978
Oh! What a Lovely War 2005
Ohh! 1965
Old Ladies, The (excerpt) (Annual Drama Festival) 1946
Old Man of the Mountain, The 1954 (Student Group)
Old Tune, The 1966 (Director's Showcase)
On A Role (Overnight Plays) 2021
On Me (New Play)(Festival of New Theatre) 2022
On The Beach (The Contingency Plan) 2023
On the High Road 1956 (Student Group)
On the Razzle 1989
On the Razzle (Student Group) 2013
On the Razzle (Student Group) 2023
Once a Catholic 2004
Once Upon a Time in West Ealing (Overnet Plays) 2020
One Billboard Outside Questors Ealing (Overnight Plays) 2018
One Far Off and Fine Event (Annual Drama Festival) 1943
One for the Road 1986
One for the Road 1989
One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest 1979
One For The Dead 1992 (Rehearsed Reading)
One Leg over the Wrong Wall (New Play) 1964
One Wednesday in the Abyss (Overnight Plays) 2022
Only Got Egg (New Play) (Annual Drama Festival) 1940
Only Got Egg (Annual Drama Festival)1947
Only Jealousy of Emer, The 1962 (Student Group)
Operation Cerebus 1976 (New Play)
Orchestra, The 1980 (Student Group)
Orchestra, The 1988 (Student Group)
Othello (Who Loved not Wisely) (Annual Drama Festival) 1945
Othello (excerpts) (Annual Drama Festival)1947
Othello 1949
Othello 1970
Othello 1981
Othello 2012
Other Son, The 1954 (Student Group)
Other Son, The 1966 (Student Group)
Other Son, The 1974 (Student Group)
Our Country's Good 1990
Our Country's Good 2004 (Student Group)
Overcoat, The 2016 (Quarchives II)
Overdoin' Things (INP) (Annual Drama Festival) 1943
Overruled 1955 (Student Group)
Owl-Winged Family, The 1974 (New Play)
Pact, The (New Play)(Powerplay 2) 2022
Painting on Wood, A 1963 (Student Group)
Pair of Spectacles, A 1991 (Rehearsed Reading)
Paix Chez Soi, La (excerpt) (Annual Drama Festival) 1940
Paradise Street 1950 (New Play)
Parting, A (Annual Drama Festival)1947
Party, The 1982 (Director's Showcase)
Pass it On (Rehearsed Reading)1989
Past Imperfect 2016 (Questival II)(New Play)
Patriot, The (New Play) (Annual Drama Festival) 1946
Peace at Home (La Paix Chez Soi) excerpt (Annual Drama Festival) 1940
Pedagogue, The 1963 (New Play)
Penny for A Song 1956
Penny for A Song 1978
Peregrine Proteus, The Remarkable Theatrical Adventures of (New Play)
Perfect Child, The (Unseens) 2005
Pharoah Cassidy, The 1960 (NPF1)
Philistines 1988 (Student Group)
Philosopher of Butterbuggins, The (Annual Drama Festival) 1943
Phoenix too Frequent, A 1956
Phoenix too Frequent, A 1967 (Student Group)
Phormio 2007 (Rehearsed Reading)
Phosphorus (Annual Drama Festival) 1946
Physical Truth, A 1989 (Rehearsed Reading)
Physicists, The (New Translation) 2024
Pigs on the Platform (New Play) (Rehearsed Reading) 1953
Play's the Thing, The 1930
Play's The Thing, The 1990 (Rehearsed Reading)
Play's The Thing, The 1992
Playboy of the Western World, The 1941
Playboy of the Western World, The 1947
Playboy of the Western World, The 1993
Playing with Fire 1966 (Director's Showcase)
Playing with Fire 1972
Playing with Fire 1976 (Student Group)
Pleasure Garden, The 1948 (Student Group)
Poems 1976
Poison, Passion and Petrifaction 1967 (Student Group)
Poor Dumb Animals 1971 (New Play)
Poor Man's Miracle 1951 (New Play)
Portrait of a Madonna 1961 (Student Group)
Portrait of a Madonna 1979
Portrait of a Mother (New Play) (Annual Drama Festival) 1945
Portrait of Imogen (Play Reading) 1947
Possessions (Rehearsed Reading) 1993
Postal Orders 1930
Poster of the Cosmos, A (World Aid's Day) 1997
Powerplay 2020 (Audio Drama)(New play)
Prelude and Fugue 1933
Prelude and Fugue (Annual Drama Festival) 1937
Prelude and Fugue (Annual Drama Festival) 1940
Prelude and Fugue (Annual Drama Festival) 1944
Present Laughter 1975
Present Laughter 1998
Present Laughter 2011
Press Cuttings 1971 (Student Group)
Pride and Prejudice 1976 (Student Group)
Pride and Prejudice 1989 (Student Group)
Pride and Prejudice 2020
Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, The 1996
Princess and The Pea, The 2003
Princess Ivona 1984
Princess Lied, The (Overnight Plays) 2018
Private Lives 1968
Private Lives (extract) 1982
Private Lives 1994
Private Lives 2019
Private View 1982 (Director's Showcase)
Problem, The 1985 (Directors' Showcase)
Prophesy to the Wind 1949 (New Play)
Proposal, The (Annual Drama Festival) 1934
Proposal, The (Annual Drama Festival) 1940
Proposal, The (Comedy Contrasts) 1944
Proposal, The 1954 (Student Group)
Proposal, The 1975 (Director's Showcase)
Proposal, The 1985
Protest 1992 (Rehearsed Reading)
Provenance (24 Hour Plays) 2013
Psychopomp (Overnight Plays) 2023
Pure Walking Evil 2001 (Rehearsed Reading)
Pygmalion 1957
Pygmalion 1962
Pygmalion 1980
Pygmalion 2000
Pygmalion 2017
Pyramus and Thisbe (from A Midsummer Night's Dream) 1941
Pyramus and Thisbe (from A Midsummer night's Dream)(Comedy Contrasts) 1944
Quaker's Cello, The (Annual Drama Festival) 1936
Queen of Spades and I, The 1990
Queens of France (Annual Drama Festival) 1942
Queens of France 1951 (Student Group)
Question of Attribution, A (Single Spies) 2024
Quiet Clap of Thunder, A 1961 (New Play)(New Plays Festival)