by John Gay

Adapted by Barbara Hutchins,
Eric Kirby and Vincent McQueen
The Questors Theatre
January 1960
Directed by Barbara Hutchins
Musical Direction by Eric Kirby
Designed by John Rolfe
Costumes by Sue Phillips
Jo Arundel, Dorothy Boyd-taylor, Neville Bradbury, Shaun Curry, Don Barrett, Dilys Dodd, David Evans, Babs Foster, Denise Huot, Paul Imbusch, Dorinne Ingram, Michael Kennedy, David Lorraine, Vincent Mcqueen, Jennifer Oscard, Joan Pyle, Tobias Small, Sandra Turner, Ffrangcon Whelan, Tony Worth, Philip Wright
Production Team:
Bill Collins, Stuart Hartley, Shirley Hayter, Gerry Isenthal, Margaret Mckenzie, Rena Rice, Jose Roberts, Joyce Scholder, Jane Simpson, David Wedmore