List of Authors: P Q R
Page, Louise
Salonika 1990
Page, Sara
Ariadne and The Monsters
Paisley, Janet
The Refuge 2002 (Rehearsed Reading)
Palermo, Tony
It's A Wonderful Life 2012
Paliard, Francois
Bad Dreams 1965
Park, Laura
What a Load of Rubbish 2002 (Rehearsed Reading)
Parker, Alan
Bugsy Malone (Youth Production) 2019
Parker, Dorothy
Readings from Dorothy Parker 1975
Parker, Louis N
A Minuet 1941 (Annual Drama Festival)
Patelin, Pierre
The Worthy Master 1938
Paterson, Stuart
Cinderella 2007
The Snow Queen (adaption) 2001
Patrick, Robert
Kennedy's Children 1977
Pattison, Audrey
Dispersed (New Play) (RR) 1955
Pearce, Phillipa
Tom's Midnight Garden 2002
Pearson, David
A Fish in her Kettle 2004
All the Lonely People 1970 (New Play)
Dancing Naked 1984
Streuth 2004
The Cherry Sisters 1985
The Cherry Sisters 2004
The Gentle Art of Seduction 1975
The Nutty Slack Spectacular 1973 (New Play)
Pearson, Justin
The Twits (adaption) 1999
Penhall, Joe
Blue/Orange 2019
Percy, Edward
The Love of Pegeen Cuaran 1956 (Student Group)
Perry, Scott
Sketches in The Dark 1995
Pertwee, Roland
Postal Orders 1930
Pfefferblit, Irving
Quoat-Quoat (translation) 1965
Phillipo, Eduard de
Saturday, Sunday, Monday 1981
Saturday, Sunday, Monday 1992
Saturday, Sunday, Monday 2006
Phillips, April
Stiff 2009
Philp, Peter
A Quiet Clap of Thunder 1961 (New Play)(New Plays Festival)
Pielmire, John
Agnes of God 1991 (Rehearsed Reading)
Pinget, Robert
The Old Tune 1966 (Director's Showcase)
Pinero, Arthur Wing
Dandy Dick 1937
Dandy Dick 1964
The Magistrate 1981
The Schoolmistress 1971
Trelawny of the Wells 1974 (Student Group)
Trelawny of the Wells 1993
Trelawny of the Wells 2001 (Student Group)
Trelawny of the Wells 2017 (Student Group)
Pinter, Harold
Betrayal 1982
Betrayal 2013
Birthday Party, The 1959
Birthday Party, The 2001
Black and White, The 1981 (Student Group)
Caretaker, The 1978
Collection, The 1965 (Director's Showcase)
Collection, The 1967
Exiles (Adaption) 1983
Homecoming, The 1968
Homecoming, The 1995
Homecoming, The 2010
Kind of Alaska, A 1989
Landscape 1977
Last to Go 1981 (Student Group)
Lover, The 1967
Lover, The 1975 (Student Group)
Lover, The 1983 (Director Showcase)
Mountain Language 1989
Night 1979
Night 1987 (Student Group)
Night Out, A 1966 (Student Group)
Night Out, A 1984 (Student Group)
Night-Time for the Birds 1979
No Man's Land 1981
Old Times 1974
One for the Road 1986
One for the Road 1989
Room, The 1971 (Student Group)
Room, The 1992 (Rehearsed Reading)
Silence 1977
Slight Ache, A 1965
Slight Ache,A 1969
Slight Ache, A 2004
Pipes, Tony
Bananas 2020 (Powerplay) (New play)
Pirandello, Luigi
Doctor's Duty, The 1934
Henry IV 1966
Liola 1962 (Student Group)
Man with a Flower in his Mouth, The (Play Reading) 1935
Naked (Play Reading)
Other Son, The 1954 (Student Group)
Other Son, The 1966 (Student Group)
Other Son, The 1974 (Student Group)
Right You Are (If You Think So) 1952
Right You Are (If You Think So) 1987
Right You Are (If You Think So) 2000 (Student Group)
Rules of the Game, The 1961
Six Characters in Search of an Author 1948
Six Characters in Search of an Author 1974
Pitt, George Dibdin
Sweeney Todd 1956
Sweeney Todd 1964
Pix, Mary
The Beau Defeated 1997 (Student Group)
Planché, J R
The Vampire 1979
Planten, Herman
Rembrandt 1947
Plath, Sylvia
Poems 1976
Three Women 2004
The Menaechmi (Rehearsed Reading) 1969
The Menaechmi (Rehearsed Reading) 1976
Playfair, Nigel
R U R (translation) 2005
Plester, Tim
Holloway Road (Reheased Reading) 1995
Marilyn Meets Bobby and Johnny 1993
Plowman, Gillian
David's Birthday 1991 (Showcase)
Poe, Edgar Allen
The Fall of the House of Usher 1988
Poliakoff, Stephen
Shout Across the River 1985
Pond, Thomas
Conscript (Play Reading) 1951
Potter, Denis
Blue Remembered Hills 2013
Brimstone and Treacle 1981 (Showcase)
Powell, Tony
In the Summerhouse 2002 (Rehearsed Reading)
Power, Ben
Medea (adaptation) 2024
Pratchett, Terry
Guards! Guards! 2006
Mort 1998
Pratt, William W
Ten Nights in a Bar-room 1957
Prebble, Lucy
Effect, The 2017
Enron 2013
Preedy, George R
Captain Banner 1935
Prescott, Paul
Devastation 1992 (Rehearsed Reading)
Press-Coffman, Toni
Two Days of Grace at Middleham 2002 (Rehearsed Reading)
Preston, Peter
An Office of Profit 1970
Price, David
Life of Riley, A 1991 (Rehearsed Reading)
Maggie's Mr Right 1994
Priestley, J B
Dangerous Corner (Play Reading) 1939
Dangerous Corner 1988
Time and the Conways 1958 (SG)
Time and the Conways 1973
Time and The Conways 1983 (Student Group)
Time and The Conways 2002 (Student Group)
When We are Married 1979
Proffer, C R
The Crimson Island (translation) 1982
Proffer, E
The Crimson Island (translation) 1982
Prouse, Derek
Rhinoceros (translation) 2015
Prynne, Catherine
By further Request 1951
Pullen, Stephen M
Hombre y Hombre 1993 (Rehearsed Reading)
Quantrill, Malcolm
Don't Keep the Vanman Waiting 1968
The Appointment 1969 (New Play)
What Really Happned to Felicity Hope? 1966 (New Plays Festival)
Quinlan, Antony
Granville, The Ugly Duckling 2000
Quinn, Shirland
Dragon's Teeth 1933
Dragon's Teeth 2023
Quintero, J
Fortunato (excerpt) (Annual Drama Festival) 1943
The Women have Their Way 1951 (Student Group)
Quintero, S
Fortunato (excerpt) 1943
The Women have Their Way 1951 (Student Group)
Racine, Jean
Andromache 1997
Phaedra 1967
Radice, Betty
The Eunuch (Translation) 1971 (Student Group)
Raffles, Gerry
Oh! What a Lovely War 1978
Oh! What a Lovely War 2005
Ragosin, Lydia
Children of Saturn, The 1962 (New Play)(New Plays Festival)
Corruptible Crown, The 1967 (New Play)
Crown for the Strong, A 1967 (New Play)
Cry of Treason, A 1991 (Rehearsed Reading)
Cry of Treason, A, 1967 (New Play)
English Captain, The 1955 (New Play)
Tinsel of Athens, The 1950 (New Play)
Ralea, Catinca
A Few False Steps (translation) 1971
Rame. Franca
Monologues 2004
Ramsey, Alexander
Coercion (Annual Drama Festival) 1946
Ramsey, G P
The Woman Who Turned into a Clock (translation) 2003
Ramsey, Paul
Lykos: The Danger in the Maze (New Play) 1977
Raine, Nina
Consent 2022
Randall, Dale
A B C 1979 (Student Group)
Rattigan, Terence
After the Dance 2006
Browning Version, The 2021
Deep Blue Sea, The 1998
French Without Tears 1997
Separate Tables 1978 (Student Group)
Separate Tables 2007 (Student Group)
Winslow Boy, The 2012
Ravenhill, Mark
Cane, The 2024
Shopping and Fucking 2001
Ravenscroft, Edward
The London Cuckolds 2006
Raynal, Paul
The Unknown Warrior (Play Reading) 1934
Read, Martyn
Waving to a Train 2001 (Rehearsed Reading)
Read, Piers Paul
Scenes From the Class War (Colloquialisms)1964
Reade, Simon
Pride and Prejudice (adaption) 2020
Rebeck, Theresa
The Water's Edge 2021
Redgrave, Michael
The Aspern Papers (adaption) 1990
Reid, Alexander
The World's Wonder 1955
Reid, Christopher
Six Bad Poets 2020
Pass It On (Rehearsed Reading 1989
Reynolds, Dorothy
Salad Days 1970
Reynolds, Mary
The Waxen Man 1939
Reza, Yasmina
Conversations after a Burial 2006
God of Carnage 2021
Rice, Elmer
The Brainstorm (extract) (Annual Drama Festival) 1934
Rice, Tim
Beauty and the Beast 2010
Accidental Death of an Anarchist (translation) 1998
Richardson, Howard
Dark of the Moon 1964 (Student Group)
Riches, Nick G
The Analyst 2003 (Rehearsed Reading)
Riddler, Anne
The Mask 1951 (Student Group)
Ridley, Arnold
Ghost Train, The 1973
Ghost Train, The 1995
Ghost Train, The 2021
Ridley, Philip
Mercury Fur 2007
The Pitchfork Disney 1996
Vincent Rivers (excerpt) 2001
Rigby, R B
Better a Dead Hero...? 1954 (New Play)
Robbins, Glyn
Winnie the Pooh (adaption) 1994
Roberts, Don
Altheim (New Play) (Rehearsed Reading) 1964
Candlelight and Babylon (New Play) 1972
Reflexions 1965
Roberts, Edward
Striptease (translation) 1971
Robers, Simon
Slaves of Solitude (adaptation) 2024
Robinson, Lennox
Crabbed Age and Youth 1954 (Student Group)
The Far-Off Hills 1957 (Student Group)
The White Headed Boy (Play Reading) 1933
The Whiteheaded Boy 1940
Robinson, Rebecca
Doe (QExtra) 2019
Robson, Cheryl
Ladybird 2003 (Rehearsed Reading)
Ladybird 2004 (Rehearsed Reading)
Roloff, Michael
Self-Accusation (translation) 1973 (Director's Showcase)
The Ride Across Lake Constance (translation) 1978
Romain, Jules
Dr Knock 1934
Ronder, Tanya
Table 2019
Rose, William
The Ladykillers 2017
Rostand, Edmond
The Fantasticks 1941
Fall and Conversion of Mary, Niece of Abraham the Hermit, The 1976
Rothert, Edward
Striptease (trans) 1971
Roudy, Pierre
Watch on the Works 1973 (New Play)
Rowe, Alick
Crisp and Even Brightly 1988 (Rehearsed Reading)
Rowland, Cynthia
Pigs on the Platform (New Play) (Rehearsed Reading)
Rowley, William
The Changeling 1994
Rozov, Viktor
In Search of Happiness 1960 (Student Group)
Rudkin, David
Ashes 1978
Rushbrooke. James
Getting Ahead (Overnight Plays) 2021
King Arthur and the Twelfth Knight (New Play) 2022
Psychopomp (Overnight Plays) 2023
Treasure Island (New Play) 2023
Wapping Angels (QWho) 2024
When the Bough Breaks (Overnight Plays) 2022
Whispers in the Wings (New Play) 2024
Young Hearts (New Play)(Disintegration) 2022
Rushforth, Tony
Charade 2005
Close-Up 2001
Kerry Dance, The 1999
Lovers 2011
Priest in the Family, A 2018
Seascape 2005
Voyager 2011
Russell, Willy
Educating Rita 1987
Educating Rita 2013
One For The Road 1992 (Rehearsed Reading)
Shirley Valentine 2004
Stags and Hens 1991 (Student Group)
Ryan, Paul
Lying Game, The (Overnight Plays) 2021
Me and Gregory Peck 2016 (Questival II)