by Euripides
adapted by John Barton and Kenneth Cavander

The Questors Studio
May 1991
Directed by Alan Chambers
Designed by Norman Barwick
Lighting by John Johnson
Sound by Ian Howlett
Dorothy Barber, Piers Bearne, Paul Botly, Tony Bromham, Sarah Conway, Anne Gerrard, Sara Girkin, Pam Gower, Brian Ingram, Pamela Major, Clive Paget, Anne Sawbridge, John Sweet, Sheila Tiffany, Paul Vincent, Cathy Wallace, Kelvin West, Val Wilding
Production Team:
Phillipa Back, Norman Barwick, Margaret Berry, Nathalie Bonte, Alan Chambers, Sarah Conway, James Hatch, Ian Howlett, John Johson, Michael Kewick, Diana Kilburn, Daniels Mamo, Geoff Moore, Guy Morrough, Jane Plumptre, Lavinia Riachi, Anne Scurfield