- 1950
Bear, The
Christmas in The Market Place
Gentle People, The
Good Englishman (Play Reading)
In The possessive Case (Play Reading)
Miss Elizabeth Bennett (Student Group)
Paradise Street (New Play)
Shadow and Substance
Sullen Heart, the (Play Reading)
Tinsel of Athens, The (New Play)
Winter's Tale, The
- 1951
By Further Request
Conscript (Play Reading)
In Search of Valour (Student Group)
Ladies in Waiting (Student Group)
Mask, The (Student Group)
Merchant of Yonkers, The
Philanderer, The
Poor Man's Miracle (New Play)
Queens of France (Student Group)
Riders to The Sea (Student Group)
Soap of Sorrow (Play Reading)
Sullen Heart, The (Play Reading)
Two Gentlemen of Verona
Women Have Their Way, The (Student Group)
- 1952
Anniversary, The (Student Group)
Arms and The Man (excerpt) (Student Group)
Ballad and the Moon, A (RR)
Corinth House (Student Group)
Discord in Four Flats (RR)
Edge of The World (New Play)
Hopeful Travellers, The
Merchant of Venice, The
Midsummer Night's Dream, A (excerpts) (Student Group)
Right You Are (If You Think So)
Stranger in This City (New Play) (Play Reading)
Testament of Cresseid (New Play)
You Can't Take It with You
- 1953
Crime Passionel
Family Comedy, A (1840) (Student Group)
Heloise (Rehearsed Reading)
Juno and The Paycock
Leap in the Dark (New Play) (Rehearsed Reading)
Major Barbara
Monsieur Bon-Bon (Student Group)
Pigs on the Platform (New Play) (Rehearsed Reading)
Storm in a Paint Pot (Student Group)
Thieves' Carnival
Tinkers' Idyll (New Play)(Student Group)
Women from The Voe, The (Student Group)
- 1954
Better a Hero Dead...? (New Play)
Bold Stroke for a Wife, A
Crabbed Age and Youth (Student Group)
Family Reunion, The
Happy as Larry
Italian Pastorale (New Play)(RR)
Jig for a Gypsy, A
King John
Murder in the Cathedral (excerpt) (Student Group)
Old Man of the Mountain, The (Student Group)
Other Son, The (Student Group)
Proposal, The (Student Group)
Secondary Wife, The (New Play)
Strange Echoes (New Play)(RR)
Usual Channels (New Play)(RR)
- 1955
Affected Young Ladies, The (Student Group)
Antigone (Student Group)
Blood Wedding (Student Group)
Dispersed (New Play)(RR)
Early Rising (New Play) (RR)
English Captain, The (New Play)
Fanfaronade (New Play)
The Tragedy of Fratricide Punished
Next Stop Paradise (New Play) (RR)
Night Before Spring, The (New Play)
Overruled (Student Group)
Swan, The (Student Group)
Three Honourable Gentlemen, The
World's Wonder, The
- 1956
Cave of Salamanca, The (Student Group)
Getting Married
Gilgamesh (New Play)
Grammaire, La (Student Group)
Loves of Pegeen Cuaran, The (Student Group)
Master Builder, The
Noah (Student Group)
On the High Road (Student Group)
Penny For A Song
Phoenix Too Frequent, A
Sacrifice to The Wind
She Stoops to Conquer
SS Tenacity
Sweeney Todd
- 1957
Cavelleria Rusticana (Student Group)
Far-Off Hills, The (Student Group)
Golden Cuckoo, The
Government Inspector, The
Henry V
Holiday in Biarritz (Student Group)
Miser, The
River Line, The
Ten Nights in a Bar-Room
Three Legged Man, The (Rehearsed Reading)
Titus Andronicus, The Tragedy of
Wedding, The (Student Group)
- 1958
Everybody Loves Celimare
Full Moon, The (Student Group)
House of Bernada Alba, The (extract) (Student Group)
Julius Caesar
Long Spoon, The
Maria Marten or The Murder in The Red Barn
Sganarelle (Student Group)
Summer and Smoke
Time and The Conways (SG)
Voice of Shem, The (Finnegan's Wake)
- 1959
Antigone (Student Group)
Birthday Party, The
Cave Dwellers, The
Diary of Anne Frank, The (Student Group)
Drunkard, The
Knight of The Burning Pestle, The
Marching Song
Scythe and The Sunset, The
Skin of Our Teeth, The (Student Group)