List of Authors: S

Sabine-Bacon, Michael
The Soul Cages 1988 (Rehearsed Reading)

Sachs, Hans
The Strolling Clerk from Paradise (Annual Drama Festival) 1936

Sadou, Victorien
Let's Get a Divorce 1965

Salzedo, Delores
Discord in Four Flats (RR) 1952

Samara, Effie
Sartre (rehearsed Reading) 2015

Sams, Jeremy
The Rehearsal 1997 (translation)

Sandford, Victoria
Close Shave, A (24 Hour Plays) 2013
Skin Deep (24 Hour Plays) 2014

Sansick, John
Hooke 2004

Bulldog Drummond 1962

Sarment, Jean
Holiday in Biarritz 1957 (Student Group)

Saroyan, William
Cave Dwellers, The 1959
Hello Out There 1966 (Director's Showcase)

Sarraute, Nathalie
Silence 1976

Sartre, Jean-Paul
Crime Passionel 1953
Respectable Prostitute, The 1966 (Director's Showcase)

Trojan Women, The (Adaption) 1992

Saunders, Edith
La Grammaire (translation) 1956 (Student Group)

Saunders, Geoff
There (New Play)(QExtra) 2023

Saunders, James
Alas Poor Fred 1995 (Rehearsed Reading)
After Liverpool (New Play) 1970
Barnstable 1978 (Student Group)
Barnstable (Ends and Echoes) (NPF1)1960
Bodies 1983
Borage Pigeon Affair, The 1969 (New Play)
Bye Bye Blues 1975 (Student Group)
Bye-Bye Blues 1987 (Student Group)
Bye-Bye Blues 2004
Committal (Ends and Echoes) (NPF1) 1960
Double-Double 1963 (Student Group)
Girl in Melanie Klein, The 1980
Hans Kohlhass 1981
Hans Kohlhaas (New Play) 1972
Island, The 1975 (New Play)
Italian Girl, The (adaptation) 1971
Man's Best Friend, A 1979 (Student Group)
Neighbours 1964
Next Time I'll Sing to You 1962 (New Play)(New Plays Festival)
Next time I'll Sing to You (rehearsed Reading) 1990
Next Time I'll Sing to You 1995
Pedagogue, The 1963 (New Play)
Random Moments in a May Garden 1977
Random Moments in a May Garden 2004
Retreat 1997
Return to a City (Ends and Echoes) (NPF1) 1960
Scandella 1988 (Rehearsed Reading)
Scent of Flowers, A 1966
Slight Accident 1969, A (Student Group)
Triangle 1968
Who Was Hilary Maconochie? 1963 (New Play)
Who Was Hilary Maconochie? 2004

Savage, Charles
Fireman Sam "Ready for Action" (adaption) 1998

Schiller, Friedrich
Mary Stuart 2013

Schisgal, Murray
The Typists 1992

Schmidt, Henry
The Fantasticks 1999

Schnitzler, Arthur
A Christmas Present 1933
La Ronde 1992

Schwartz, Stephen
Godspell (music and lyrics) 1997

Seager, Martin
Going Gentle 1994

Seatter, Robert
Tis Pity She's a Whore (adaption) 2005

Semerciyan, Silva
The Light Turns Blue 2023

Oedipus 1971

Senske, Suga
Gappo and His Daughter Tsuji 1982

Shaffer, Peter
Amadeus 1995
Black Comedy 1970 (Student Group)
Black Comedy 1983 (Student Group)
Black Comedy 1985
Black Comedy 2008
Equus 1982
Equus 2015
Lettice and Lovage 1997

Shakespeare, William
All's Well that Ends Well (abridged) 1941
"All Joy of the Worm" 2016
Anthony and Cleopatra 1978
As You Like It (excerpt) (Annual Drama Festival) 1941
As You Like It 1942
As You Like It 1973
As You Like It 2006
Comedy of Errors, The 1969
Comedy of Errors, The 1995 (workshop)
Comedy of Errors, The 1996
Comedy of Errors, The 2010
Coriolanus (Extract) 1964 (Director's Showcase)
Coriolanus 1975
Cymbeline 1973
Hamlet 1955
Hamlet 1971
Hamlet 1983
Hamlet 2002
Hamlet (Workshop) 2009
Hamlet (What Dreams May Come) 1989
Henry IV Part 1 1961
Henry IV Part 1 1984
Henry IV Part 2 1970
Henry V 1957
Henry V (extract) 1982
Henry V 2006 (Student Group)
Henry VI 2009 (Student Group)
If Shakespeare Were a Friend of Ours... 1987
Julius Caesar 1958
Julius Caesar 1984
Julius Caesar 1994
Julius Caesar 2024
King John 1954
King John (extract) (Annual Drama Festival) 1936
King Lear 1975
King Lear (extract) 1983 (Director's Showcase)
King Lear 2000
Lost and Found (Readings from Shakespeare)
Love's Labour Lost 1976
Love's Labours Lost 2017 (Student Group)
Love's Labours Lost 1998 (Student Group)
Macbeth (The Junior Questors) 1935
Macbeth 1938
Macbeth (excerpt) 1944
Macbeth 1966
Macbeth 1976
Macbeth 1980
Macbeth 1994
Macbeth 2008
Macbeth 2015
At Home with the Macbeths (adapt) 1993 (Rehearsed Reading)
Measure for Measure 1980
Measure for Measure 1989
Measure for Measure 2016
Measure for Measure (excerpt) 1982 (Director's Showcase)
Merchant of Venice, The (extract) (Annual Drama Festival) 1935
Merchant of Venice, The 1952
Merchant of Venice, The 1977
Merchant of Venice, The 2004
Merry Wives of Windsor, The 1999
Midsummer Night's Dream, A (Pyramus and Thisbe) 1941
Midsummer Night's Dream, A (Pyramus and Thisbe) (Comedy Contrast) 1944
Midsummer Night's Dream, A (excerpt) 1952
Midsummer Night's Dream, A 1964
Midsummer Night's Dream, A (excerpt) 1977 (Student Group)
Midsummer Night's Dream 1978
Midsummer Night's Dream, A 1988
Midsummer Night's Dream, A 1995 (Student Group)
Midsummer Night's Dream, A 2004
Midsummer Night's Dream, A 2008 (Student Group)
Midsummer Night's Dream, A 2018
Much Ado About Nothing 1946
Much Ado About Nothing 1993
Much Ado About Nothing 2007
Much Ado About Nothing 2023
Othello (All Guiltless) (Annual Drama Festival) 1946
Othello 1949
Othello 1970
Othello 1981
Othello 2012
Othello (excerpts) 1947
Othello (Who Loved not Wisely) (Annual Drama Festival) 1945
Pericles 1991
Rape of Lucrece, The 1984
Richard II 1969
Richard III 1991
Richard III 2007
Richard III (Was Ever Woman Woo'd) (Annual Drama Festival) 1946
Romeo and Juliet (abridged) 1941
Romeo and Juliet 1968
Romeo and Juliet 1984
Romeo and Juliet 1997
Romeo and Juliet 2012
Shrew (The Taming of the Shrew), The 1979
Taming of the Shrew, The 1935
Taming of the Shrew, The 1990
Taming of the Shrew, The 2009
Tempest, The 1960
Tempest, The 1998
Tempest, The 2012
Titus Andronicus 2011
Twelfth Night 1936
Twelfth Night (scenes) (British Drama League Festival) 1937
Twelfth Night 1962
Twelfth Night 1982
Twelfth Night 2001
Twelfth Night 2016
Two Gentlemen of Verona 1951
Two Gentlemen of Verona 1987
Venus and Adonis 2015
Weep My Fortunes (King Lear) 1992
Winter's Tale, The 1950
Winter's Tale, The 1965
Winter's Tale, The 1981
Winter's Tale, The 2002

Sharp, Michael
Mouthpieces 1995 (Rehearsed Reading)

Sharp, Wilfrid
By Further Request 1951
By Request (An Original Revue) 1950

Sharpe, Tom
The South African 1961 (NP (New Plays Festival)

Shaw, Bernard
Admirable Bashville, The 1980 (Student Group)
Androcles and the Lion (Play Reading) 1935
Apple Cart, The 1948
Arms and the Man (Play Reading) 1932
Arms and the Man 1940
Arms and the Man 1966
Arms and the Man 2015
Arms and the Man (excerpt) 1952
Back to Methusaleh (extract) (Annual Drama Festival) 1936
Back to Methusaleh (extract) (Annual Drama Festival)1947
Candida 1938
Candida 1949
Candida 1987
Dark Lady of the Sonnets, The (Annual Drama Festival) 1937
Dark Lady of the Sonnets, The (Annual Drama Festival) 1943
Devil's Disciple, The 1963
Devil's Disciple, The 1990
Fanny's First Play 1990 (Rehearsed Reading)
Getting Married (Play Reading) 1935
Getting Married (Play Reading) 1936
Getting Married 1956
Great Catherine 1965 (Student Group)
Heartbreak House (Play Reading) 1932
Heartbreak House 1945
Heartbreak House 1973
Heartbreak House 1998
Inca of Perusalem, The (Annual Drama Festival) 1937
Man and Superman 1969
Major Barbara 1953
Major Barbara 1965 (Student Group)
Misalliance 1960
Misalliance 1985
Mrs Warren's Profession 2013
Overruled 1955 (Student Group)
Philanderer, The 1951
Poison, Passion and Petrifaction 1967 (Student Group)
Press Cuttings 1971 (Student Group)
Pygmalion 1957
Pygmalion 1962
Pygmalion 1980
Pygmalion 2000
Pygmalion 2017
Saint Joan 1977
Shewing-up of Blanco Posnet, The 1961 (Student Group)
Shewing-Up of Blanco Posnet, The 1988 (Student Group)
You Never Can Tell 1932
You Never Can Tell 1995

Shaw, Charlotte F
Maternity (translation) 2004 (Rehearsed Reading)

Shaw, Irwin
The Gentle People 1950
The Philanderer 1951

Shaw, Robert
Tejas Verdes (translation) 2006

Sheahan, Philip
Alice Through the Looking Glass (adaption) 1994
Anthem for Doomed Youth 1982
Cycles 1980
First Post to Last Pint 1999
No Flowers by Request 1983 (New Play)
Soapsud Island 1990
Soapsud Island 2000
The Cuckoo School 1991

Shellan, David
It was Never so Merry, My Lord! 1967(New Play)
The Last Emperors 1971

Shelley, Mary
Frankenstein 1997

Shepard, Sam
Fool for Love 1991
Icarus's Mother 1975 (Director's Showcase)

Shepherdson, Howard
India Gate 2021 (Workshop Production)
India Gate 2022 (New Play)

Sheridan, Francis
The Discovery 1947

Sheridan, R B
The Rivals 1945
The Rivals 1971 (Student Group)
The Rivals 1991
The School for Scandal 1970
The School for Scandal 1996

Sherriff, R C
The White Carnation 2023

Sherwood, Robert Emmet
Reunion in Vienna (extract) (Annual Drama Festival) 1935

Shevelove, Burt
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum 2007

Sierra, G Martinez
The Romantic Young Lady 1932
The Cradle Song (excerpt) 1947 (Student Group)

Simon, Neil
Plaza Suite 2005
Sweet Charity 2017

Simpson, N F
A Resounding Tinkle 1972 (Student Group)

Sindra Tajunder
India Gate 2021 (Workshop Production)
India Gate 2022 (New Play)

Singer, Daniel
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged) 2011

Skelton, Geoffrey
Marat/Sade (translation) 1985

Skinner, Jonathan
Futures 2014 (New Play)

Skinner, Penelope
The Village Bike 2016

Slade, Julian
Salad Days 1970

Sladen-Smith, F
Love in the Ape House (Annual Drama Festival) 1935
Love in the Ape House (Annual Drama Festival)1940
The Herald (Annual Drama Festival) 1938
The Herald (Annual Drama Festival) 1945
The Sacred Cat (Annual Drama Festival) 1935
Wonderful Zoo 1935

Smail, Lothian
Eurydice (translation) 1958

Smith, Francis W
The Blessed Damozel (NP (Annual Drama Festival) 1944
They Also Serve (New Play) (Annual Drama Festival) 1943

Smith, Greg A
Hand of Glory (Overnight Plays) 2017
Into the Wild (24 Hour plays) 2014

Smith, Guy
Wilde in Love (Writers' Week) 2024

Smith, Julian
Ealing Club, The (new play) 2022 Gun Sexy (Overnight Plays) 2022
Howling at the Moon (Audio Drama) (New Play) 2021
Tricorn (Overnight Plays) 2023

Smith, N K
They Refuse to be Resurrected (Annual Drama Festival) 1937

Smith, Patrick
Six (Experiment) (New Play) 1964

Smith, W H
The Drunkard 1959

Soleimanpour, Nassim
White Rabbit Red Rabbit 2024

Somerset, Adam
Out of Order 1993 (Rehearsed Reading)
Quay Pursuits 1994

Sondheim, Stephen
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum 2007
A Little Night Music 1993
A Little Night Music 2016
Company 2007
Into the Woods 2004
Sweeney Todd 2010

Sontag, Susan
The Way We Live Now (World Aid's Day) 1997

Antigone 1959 (Student Group)
Antigone 2013
Electra 1972 (Student Group)
Electra 1975
Electra 1983 (Student Group)
Oedipus the King 1981

Sowerby, Githa
Rutherford and Son 2019

Spark, Muriel
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie 1996

Spiers, Hilary
That Spot of Joy 2021 (Audio Drama)(New Play)

Staniaszek, Zyg
Charles 2008
Striptease (translation) 2008
Widows (translation) 2008

Steadman-Jones, R D
The Mind Forest 1989

Steinbeck, John
Of Mice and Men 1990

Stenham, Polly
That Face 2019

Stephens, Peter
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 1983

Stephenson, Shelagh
The Memory of Water 2002

Stern, James
The Caucasian Chalk Circle (Translation) 1988
The Caucasian Chalk Circle (Translation) 2000

Stern, Tania
The Caucasian Chalk Circle (Translation) 1988
The Caucasian Chalk Circle (Translation) 2000

Sternheim. Carl
Knickers 1981

Stevens, H C G
To Meet the King 1932

Stevens, Peter
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 1983

Stewart, Ena Lamont
Men Should Weep 1991

Stoker, Bram
Dracula 1974
Dracula - Fangs of Destiny 1989 (New Play)

Stone, Brian
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 1983

Stonely, Maureen
The Price of Nails 1985

Stoppard, Tom
After Magritte 1974 (Director's Showcase)
After Magritte 1975 (Student Group)
After Magritte 2008
Arcadia 1998
Arcadia 2023
Artist Descending a Staircase 2004
Guildenstern and Rosencrantz (Colloquialisms) 1964
Jumpers 1979
On the Razzle 1989
On the Razzle (Student Group) 2023
On the Razzle 2013 (Student Group)
Rock 'n' Roll 2009
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead 1974
Tango (adaptation) 1969
The Real Inspector Hound 1984 (Student Group)
The Real Thing 1993
Travesties 2005

Storer, Chris
Ubu (translation) 1999

Storey, David
Home 1977
In Celebration 1976
Phoenix 1984 (New Play)
The Restoration of Arnold Middleton 1970

Strindberg, August
Dream Play, A 1992
Dance of Death 2006
Father, The 1967
Father, The 1988
Ghost Sonata, The 1979
Miss Julie 1988
Miss Julie 2002
Playing with Fire (Director's Showcase) 1966
Playing with Fire 1972
Playing with Fire 1976 (Student Group)
Stronger, The 1933
Stronger, The 1967
Stronger, The 1982 (Director's Showcase)

Strouse, Charles
Annie 2011 (composer)

Struthers, Gloria
Sick Transit 1993

Sturridge, Charles
The Seagull (translation) 2008

Sudermann, H
The Faraway Princess (British Drama League Festival) 1933
The Faraway Princess 1940
Margot (British Drama League Festival) 1935
Margot 1964 (Director's Showcase)

Summers, Amanda
No Reply 1979 (Student Group)

Supple, Tim
Grimm Tales (adaption) 1997
Grimm Tales (adaption) 2016 (Youth Theatre)

Sutcliffe, William
New Boy 2003 (rehearsed Reading)
New Boy 2005

Swados, Elizabeth
Runaways 1998

Swain, Nigel
The Brick 1987

Swale, Jessica
Blue Stockings 2014 (Student Group)
Nell Gwynn 2019

Sylvaine, Vernon
The Road of Poplars 1930
The Road of Poplars 1931
The Road of Poplars (Annual Drama Festival) 1937

Synge, J M
Heart's a Wonder, The (The Playboy of the Western World) 1979
Playboy of the Western World, The 1941
Playboy of the Western World, The 1947
Playboy of the Western World, The 1993
Riders to the Sea 1940

Riders to the Sea (Annual Drama Festival) 1946
Riders to the Sea 1951 (Student Group)
Riders to the Sea 1962 (Student Group)
Riders to the Sea 1976 (Student Group)
Shadow of the Glen, The (Annual Drama Festival) 1944
Tinker's Wedding, The 1943
Tinker's Wedding, The 1966 (Director's Showcase)
Tinker's Wedding. The 1978 (Student Group)