List of Authors: I J K L
Ibragimbekov, Rustam
Burnt by the Sun 2016 (screenplay)
Ibsen, Henrik
A Doll's House (Play Reading) 1938
A Doll's House 1945
A Doll's House 1972
A Doll's House 1997
A Doll's House 2003
A Doll's House 2023 (adaptation)
An Enemy of the People 2006
Brand 1964
Ghosts 1946
Ghosts 1961
Ghosts 1996
Hedda Gabler 1968
Hedda Gabler 1982
Hedda Gabler 2002
John Gabriel Borkman 1992
Little Eyolf 1983
Peer Gynt 1969
Peer Gynt 2018
Rosmersholm 1978
Rosmersholm 2019
The Lady from the Sea 1975 (Student Group)
The Master Builder 1956
The Master Builder 1984
The Master Builder 2015
The Vikings of Helgeland 1992 (Rehearsed Reading)
The Wild Duck 1999
When We Dead Awaken 1975
Inchbald, Mrs Elizabeth
Lovers' Vows 1989 (Rehearsed Reading)
The Wedding Day 1976
Ionesco, Eugene
Bald Prima-Donna, The 1964 (Student Group)
Chairs, The 1965 (Director's Showcase)
Chairs, The 2008
Here Comes the Chopper 1996 (Student Group)
Lesson, The 1960
Lesson, The (Director's Showcase) 1976
Lesson, the 2008
Picture, the 1968
Rhinoceros 2015
Ireland, Vicky
The Four Friends (adaption) 2005
Isherwood, Christopher
Cabaret 1983
Isitt, Debbie
Nasty Neighbours 1995
James, Henry
Ancestor, The 1974
Aspern Papers, The 1990
Friends of the Friends 1974
James, Paul
Drum (24 Hour Plays) 2016
Jardine-Smith, Liz
Carer 2015 (Directors' Showcase)
K I Double L (24 hour plays) 2015
Jarry, Alfred
Ubu 1999
Ubu Rex 1998 (Student Group)
Jast, Stanley
Venus and the Shepherdess (Annual Drama Festival) 1934
Jeffries, Stephen
Hard Times (adaption) 1997 (Student Group)
The Libertine 2010 (Student Group)
Jellicoe, Ann
The Seagull (translation) 1972
Jennings, Gertrude E
Me and My Diary 1930
Jensen, Erik
The Exonerated (trans) 2016
Jerrold, Douglas William
Black Eye'd Susan 1969
Jesse, E Tennyson
The Mask (Annual Drama Festival) 1936
Jhabava, Ruth Prawer
Abode of Peace 1984
John, Miriam
The Orchestra (translation) 1980 (Student Group)
The Orchestra (translation) 1988 (Student Group)
Johnson, David
The Dog in the Manger (translation) 2006
Johnson, Denis
A Bride for the Unicorn 1938
Johnson, Pamela Hansford
Corinth House 1952 (Student Group)
Johnson, Philip
Legend (Annual Drama Festival) 1943
The Lovely Miracle (Annual Drama Festival) 1938
Johnson, Terry
Dead Funny 2000
Insignificance 2008
The London Cuckolds (adaption) 2006
Johnston, Denis
The Golden Cuckoo 1957
The Moon in the Yellow River 1943
The Scythe and the Sunset 1959
Jolas, Maria
Silence (translation) 1976
Jones, Andrew
Hamster Babies 2002 (Rehearsed Reading)
Jones, Charlotte
Humble Boy 2010
Jones, Gwynneth
The Mayor of Torontal 1968 (Student Group)
Jones, Henry Arthur
The Liars (Play Reading) 1938
The Silver King 1965
Jones, Robert
Critical Daylight 1983 (New Play)
Plodding On 1980
Questickles! 1985
Jones, Tom
The Fantasticks (1999)
Jonne, Nicholas
coda4maKbet 2006
(see also John Wilson)
Jonson, Ben
Bartholomew Fair 1986
The Alchemist 1972
The Alchemist 2009
Joyce, James
Exiles 1983
The Voice of Shem (Finnegan's Wake) 1958
Ulysses 1993 (Rehearsed Reading)
Kafka, Franz
Metamorphosis 1996
The Trial 1985 (Student Group)
Kalnejais, Rita
First Love is the Revolution
Kander, John
Cabaret 1983
Kane, John
The Wizard of Oz (adaption) 2008
Kane, Sarah
4.48 Psychosis
Blasted 2004
Karinthy, Ferenc
Fact and Fiction 1981
Kastner, Erich
Emil and the Detectives (QYT) 2017
Kataev, Valentin
Squaring the Circle 1942
Katie, Cristina
Isle of the Departed 2005
Kaufman, George S
The Man who Came to Dinner 1987 (Student Group)
The Man who Came to Dinner 2011 (Student Group)
You Can't Take it With You 1952
You Can't Take it With You 1993 (Student Group)
You Can't Take it With You 2003 (Student Group)
You Can't Take It With You 2024
Kavanagh, Ben
Hearing, The 2022 (New Play)(Powerplay 2)
Keatley, Charlotte
My Mother Said I Never Should 1991
Keefe, Barrie
A Mad World My Masters 1978
Gotcha! 1983
Keller, James
Sanctuary 1976 (New Play)
The Watershed 1976
Kelly, Dennis
After the End 2016
DNA (Youth theatre) 2015
Love and Money (Young Studio) 2017
Kelly, Michael
Bristol Hotel (New Play) (Annual Drama Festival)1941
Cranford (translation) 1947 (Student Group)
Final Dividend (New Play) 1947
Fool's Mate (New Play) (Annual Drama Festival)1941
Gilgamesh 1956 (New Play)
Icarus Preserved (New Play) 1941
Monsieur Bon-Bon 1953 (Student Group)
Only Got Egg (New Play) (Annual Drama Festival) 1940
Only Got Egg (Annual Drama Festival)1947
Sea Flood (New Play)1944
The Alchemist (New Play) (Annual Drama Festival) 1943
The Ferry (New Play) (Annual Drama Festival) 1945
The Galileo Case 1989 (Rehearsed Reading)
The Patriot (Annual Drama Festival) (New Play)1946
The Raft (New Play) (Annual Drama Festival) 1942
The Tuscan Artist 1948 (New Play)
Kelman, James
In the Night 2001 (Rehearsed Reading)
Kempinski, Tom
Duet for One 1993 (Rehearsed Reading)
Duet for One 2004
Kennedy, Fin
How To Disappear Completely and Never Be Found 2024
Kennedy, Margaret
The Constant Nymph (Annual Drama Festival) 1934
Kenshole, Christoph
The Liar and the Watch 1994
Keown, Dominic
The Grotesque Farce of Mr Punch (trans) 1993
Kesselman, Wendy
My Sister in This House 1989
Kesselring, Joseph
Arsenic and Old Lace 1982
Arsenic and Old Lace 2007
Kilroy, Thomas
The Seagull (translation) 1989
Kimmel, Barbara
Four Stars 2022 (New Play)(Powerplay 2)
King, Jamie
The Resignation Speech 2020 (Audio Drama)(New play)
King, Philip
See How They Run 1996
King, Stephen
Misery 2009
Kinnear, Rory
Herd, The 2023
Kirkwood, Lucy
Children, The 2021
Maryland 2021 (Staged Reading)
NSFW 2014
Welkin, The 2024
Kittermaster, Michael
Operation Cerebus 1976 (New Play)
Kitto, H D F
Electra (translation) 1975
Electra (translation) 1983 (Student Group)
Knightley, Rachel
Aftermath 2007
Behind the Sofa (QWho) 2024
Forecast (24 Hour Plays) 2015Grace and The Lobstershell (24 Hour Plays) 2014
Identifying Alex (24 Hour Plays) 2013
Not About the Crowh (Overnight Plays) 2017
Prey (24 Hour Plays) 2016
Real (QExtra) 2019
Tailored (Overnight Plays) 2018
Knowles, Peter
The Shift 1990
Kondolen, Harry
Zero Positive (World Aid's Day) 1997
Kopit, Arthur
Chamber Music 1974 (Director's Showcase)
Chamber Music 1978 (Student Group)
Sing To Me Through Open Windows 1975 (Directors' Showcase)
Kops, Bernard
Dreams of Anne Frank 1998
Kreymbourg, Alfred
Lima Beans (Annual Drama Festival) 1936
Lima Beans (Welwyn Drama Festival) 1937
Lima Beans (Comedy Contrasts) 1944
Kriwaczek, Paul
Herr Puntilla and his Man Matti (translation) 1973
Kuerishi, Hanif
Mother Courage and Her Children (translation) 1989
Kuttna, Mari
Blood Relations (translation) 1978
Catsplay (translation) 1972
Labey, Russell
New Boy 2003
New Boy 2005
Labiche, Eugene
An Italian Straw Hat 1967
Everybody Loves Celimare 1958
La Grammaire 1956 (Student Group)
The Happiest of the Three 1991
LaBute, Neil
The Shape of Things 2005
Laing, R D
The Bird of Paradise 1991 (Showcase)
Lamb, Caroline
On Me (New Play)(Festival of New Theatre) 2022
Lane, Dorothy
Happy End 1982
Langridge, Michael
A Collier's Tuesday Tea 2004
Streuth 2004
The Cherry Orchard 1985
The Cherry Sisters 2004
The Nutty Slack Spectacular 1973 (New Play)
The Silent Homecoming Party 1996
Tess of the D'Urbervilles 2018
Lapine, James
Into the Woods 2004
Larson, Jonathan
Rent 2011
Latimer, Norman
Edge of the World (New Play) 1952
Lavery, Byrony
A Wedding Story 2003
Law, Michael
A Companion for Claire 1994
Just Us 1992 (Rehearsed Reading)
Just Us 1993
Looking after Molly 2000
Lawler, Ray
Summer of the Seventeenth Doll 1993
Lawrence, D H
A Collier's Friday Night 1970
Men and Woman 1985 (Director's Showcase)
The Daughter-in-Law 1985
Touch-and-Go 1973
LeBarge, Lawrence
Guarded Territories 1995 (Rehearsed Reading)
Lee, Charles
Mr Sampson (Annual Drama Festival) 1935
Mr Sampson (Annual Drama Festival) 1946
Leeson, George
The Love of Don Perlimplin (translation) 1961 (Student Group)
Leigh, Mike
Abigail's Party 1995
Abigail's Party 2010
Lengel, Michael
The Last Time I Fell I Love 1994
Leonard, Hugh
A Life 1985
Lessing, Gotthold
Sara Sampson 2024
Lev, Martin
Questickles! 1985
Lever, Walter
The Guy 1966 (New Plays Festival)
Levin, Ira
Death Trap 1998
Lewis, C S
The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe 2004
Lewis, David
The Changing (Rehearsed Reading) 1989
Lewis, Henry
The Cupboard and the Corpse (Unseen) 2005
Strictly Crows Only (Unseens) 2005
Tales of Awkwardity (Night Shift) 2005
Two Square Pegs 2007
Lewis, Paul
Herr Puntilla and his Man Matti (translation) 1973
Lewis, Jenny
Gilgamesh Retold 2022 (New Play)
Lindeay-Abaire, David
Rabbit Hole 2018
Lindsell, Shawn
Arro' Arro' Robin Hood the Panto (24 Hour Plays) 2015
Discord (24 Hour Plays) 2013
Helmet, Prince of Denmark (Overnight Plays) 2017
It's Always the Quiet Ones (Overnight Plays) 2024
Team Building (Overnight Plays) 2021
When I'm Sixty-Four
Why The Long Face? (Overnight Plays) 2022
Linehan, Graham
The Ladykillers (adapt) 2017
Littman, Robert J
Antigone (translation) 2013
Livings, Henry
Big Soft Nellie 1965
Lloyd, Mari
High Tea (Directors' Showcase) 2016
Lochhead, Liz
Mary Queen of Scots Got Her Head Chopped Off 2003
Dracula 1995
Locke, Lionel
An Apotheosis of Hermione Throssel 1940 (New Play) (Annual Drama Festival) 1940
Overdoin' Things (New Play) (Annual Drama Festival) 1943
The Questors Revue 1939
Long, Adam
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged) 2011
Longmore, Estelle
Actressess Will Happen Even in the Best Regulated Families 1977
Longmore, Wylie
Faustus (adaption) 1976
Lorca, Federico Garcia
Billy Club Puppets, The 1980 (Student Group)
Blood Wedding 1955 (Student Group)
Blood Wedding 1987
Butterfly's Evil Spell, The1976
Dona Rosita The Spinster 1976
Dona Rosita The Spinster 1992 (Student Group)
Dona Rosita The Spinster 2012 (Student Group)
House of Bernarda Alba, The (excerpt) 1958 (Student Group)
House of Bernarda Alba The 1966 (Director's Showcase)
House of Bernarda Alba, The 1972 (Student Group)
House of Bernarda Alba, The 1988
House of Bernarda Alba, The 2010
Love of Don Perlimplin 1961 (Student Group)
Shoemaker's Wonderful Wife 1992 (Student Group)
Yerma 1991
Yerma 2012 (Student Group)
Lovering, Taylor
In The Blood 1988 (Rehearsed Reading)
Lowe, Stephen
Glass Houses 1983
Touched 1993
Lowell, Robert
Phaedra (translation) 1967
Prometheus Bound (adaption) 1977
Lubkiewicz, Terera
Werewolves 1991
Lucie, Doug
Grace 1995
Hard Feelings 1985
Luckham, Claire
Moll Flanders (adaption) 1991 (Student Group)
Luke, Peter
Yerma (translation) 1991
Lyly, John
Galatea (Dark Monday) 2017