by Melvyn Bragg and Howard Goodall

The Questors Studio
October 1988
Directed by Michael Langridge
Musical Direction by Don Kincaid
by John Stacey
Lighting by Pete Walters
Sound by Robin Thompson
Costumes by Lindsay Udell

Tony Barber, Caroline Bleakley, Barrie Blewett, Lisa Day, Lorna Duval, Nathalie Fisk, Carla Francis, Michael Gerrard, Robert Gordon Clark, Jonathan Haswell, John Hines, Paul Jiggins, Gillian Kerswell, Heloise Matthews, Vincent Mcqueen, Des Noctor, John Stacey, Martin Stoner, Kelvin West
Alison Dixon, Jessica Evans, Jon Hall, Birgit Hatherall, Don Kincaid, Joanne Last, Ela Thomas
Production Team:
Mary Anderson, Roger Brace, Nick Cleave, Lara Copley-smith, Julie Cruttenden, Vanessa Jermyn, Jackie Mayne, Diana Nesbitt, Pauline Nixon, Anne O'Brien, Andrew Pentecost, Jenny Richardson, John Stacey, Martin Stoner, Robin Thompson, Peter Tompkins, Christine Trace, Lindsay Udell, Pete Walters