Directed by Jimmie Chinn Designed by John Rolfe Lighting by Jeremy Hall
Sound by Alan B Smith Costumes by Catherine
Cast: Sarah Andrews, Rosalind Burns, Jane Gillan, Oenone Grant, Eddie Grossman, Robert Hines, Tari Khan, Paul Messing, Krystyna Pierchala, Dale Randall, Amanda Summers, Fiona Willan
Production Team: Alan B Smith, Geoffrey Barker, Karen Beckitt, Irene Bradshaw, Jimmie Chinn, Murray Cooke, Freddie Edwards, Paul Gooderham, Moira Groome, Catherine Grubb, Jeremy Hall, Alan Hayle, Beverley Mannin, Andrew Muir, Sue Richardson, Nigel Roffe, John Rolfe, Rita Taylor
CRIME AND PUNISHMENT by Rodney Ackland from the novel by Fyodor Dostoievsky
The Questors Playhouse July 1979
Directed by Alfred Emmet Designed by John Rolfe Lighting by Jeremy Hall, David Chamberlain
Sound by Alan B Smith Costumes by Catherine Grubb
Cast: Sarah Andrews, Jo Arundel, Patrice Bacon, Jeremy Bentham, Dorothy Boyd Taylor, Julie Bridgman, Naomi Critcher, John Davey, Anika Edell, Peter Field, Jane Gillan, Keith Godman, Stanley Goodchild, Oenone Grant, Eddie Grossman, Catherine Grubb, Margaret Halberstadt, Sandra Healy, Tony hill, Robert Hines, Robin Ingram, Tom Jennings, Gillian Kerswell, Tari Khan, Lyn Langridge, Paul Messing, Krysyna Pierzchala, Ian Pinkerton, Walter Plinge, Victor Pompini, Dale Randall, Dale Randall, Leigh Scheindlinger, Kay Scrivener, Sue Sotheran, Amanda Summers, Colin Thomas, Rosalind Thomas, Fiona Willan, Frank Wyse
Production Team: Alan B Smith, Sue Baker, Anna Belej, George Benn, Colin Brown, David Chamberlain, Ivana Cooke, Julia Cooke, Murray Cooke, Graham Coote, Tina Creighton, Alfred Emmet, Catherine Grubb, Jeremy Hall, Kath Harrington, Maury Horwich, Adrienne Howell, Sue Kendrick, Sacha Mannin, Bridget Murdoch, Eleanor Panayi, Iris Phelps, Jo Phelps, Jean Robertson, Nigel Roffe, John Rolfe, Chris Sydenham, Sylvia Wall, Geoff Webb, Melissa Wyer