List of Plays R S T
Radio Ray Fan Club, The (American Dreams) 1987
Radio Refuge 2020 (Audio Drama)(New play)
Raft, The (New Play) (Annual Drama Festival) 1942
Random Moments in a May Garden 1977
Random Moments in a May Garden 2004
Readings from Dorothy Parker 1975
Real Death of Sherlock Holmes, The 1989
Real Inspector Hound, The 1984 (Student Group)
Recruiting Officer, The 1975
Recruiting Officer, The 2004
Red Peppers (Directors' Showcase) 2016
Red Velvet Goat, The 1966 (Student Group)
Refuge, The 2002 (Rehearsed Reading)
Rehearsal, The 1997
Rehearsal, The 2023
Rembrandt 1947
Resignation Speech, The 2020 (Audio Drama)(New play)
Resilience (The Contingency Plan 2023
Resolutions 1975
Resounding Tinkle, A 1972 (Student Group)
Respectable Prostitute, The 1966 (Director's Showcase)
Respectable Wedding, The 1982 (Student Group)
Restoration of Arnold Middleton, The 1970
Resurrection, The 1970 (Student Group)
Retreat 1997
Return to a City (Ends and Echoes) (NPF1) 1960
Return, The (Annual Drama Festival) 1937
Reunion in Vienna (extract) (Annual Drama Festival) 1935
Revenge is Tweet 2019 (QExtra)
Richard III (Was Ever Woman Woo'd) (Annual Drama Festival) 1946
Richard III 1991
Richard III 2007
Ride Across Lake Constance, The 1978
Riders to the Sea 1940
Riders to the Sea (Annual Drama Festival) 1946
Riders to the Sea 1951 (Student Group)
Riders to the Sea 1962 (Student Group)
Riders to the Sea 1976 (Student Group)
Right You Are (If You Think So) 1952
Right You Are (If You Think So) 1987
Right You Are (If You Think So) 2000 (Student Group)
Ring Round the Moon 1966 (Student Group)
Ring Round the Moon 1984
Rise and Fall of Little Voice, The 2014
Risk Everything (Suburban Motel) 2011
Rivals, The 1945
Rivals, The 1971 (Student Group)
Rivals, The 1991
Road of Poplars, The 1930
Road of Poplars, The 1931
Road of Poplars, The (Annual Drama Festival) 1937
Rock, Scissors, Paper (24 Hour Plays) 2014
Rococo (Rehearsed Reading) 1988
Roman shield, A (24 Hour Plays) 2014
Romance of the Western Chamber, The 1940
Romance of the Western Chamber, The 1944
Romeo and Juliet (abridged) 1941
Romeo and Juliet 1968
Romeo and Juliet 1984
Romeo and Juliet 1997
Romeo and Juliet 2012
Room, The 1971 (Student Group)
Room, The 1992 (Rehearsed Reading)
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead 1974
Rosmersholm 1978
Rosmersholm 2019
Round and Round the Garden (The Norman Conquests) 1986
Ruffian on the Stair, The 1975 (Director's Showcase)
Ruffian on the Stair, The 2015 (Directors' Showcase)
R.U.R. (Rehearsed Reading) 1989
R U R 2005
Sacred Cat, The (Annual Drama Festival) 1935
Sacrifice to the Wind 1956
Sacrifice to the Wind 1966 (Director's Showcase)
Safe Sex (World Aid's Day) 1997
Saliva Milkshake, The 2015 (Directors' Showcase)
Sara Sampson (New Translation) 2024
Sartre (rehearsed reading) 2015
Saturday, Sunday, Monday 1981 (Student Group)
Saturday, Sunday, Monday 1992
Saturday, Sunday, Monday 2006 (Student Group)
Scandella 1988 (Rehearsed Reading)
Scenes from The Class War (Colloquialisms) 1964
School for Scandal, The 1970
School for Scandal, The 1996
Scythe and the Sunset, The 1959
Sea, The 1977 (Student Group)
Sea, The 1985
Seagull, The 1947
Seagull, The 1972
Seagull, The 1989
Seagull, The 2008
Seagull Rising (New Play) 1977
Seance, The (Overnight Plays) 2019
Season's Greetings 1998
Season's Greetings 1992 (Rehearsed Reading)
Season's Greetings 2017
Secondary Wife, The 1954 (New Play)
Seeing You Will Make Me Sad 2020 (Scenes in Solitude)(New play)
Seeking Wild (World Aid's Day) 1997
Self-Accusation 1975 (Director's Showcase)
Sentinel, The (Colloquialisms) 1964
Separate Tables 1978 (Student Group)
Separate Tables 2007 (Student Group)
September in the Rain 1991 (Rehearsed Reading)
Sergeant Musgrave's Dance 1961
Sexual Perversity in Chicago 1985 (Directors' Showcase)
Sganarelle 1958 (Student Group)
Sganarelle 1965 (Student Group)
Shadow of the Glen, The (Annual Drama Festival) 1944
She Passed Through Lorraine (Play Reading) 1935
She Stoops to Conquer 1940
She Stoops to Conquer 1956
She Stoops to Conquer 1974
She Stoops to Conquer 1997
She Stoops to Conquer 2015
Shed, The 1965 (New Plays Festival)
Sherlock Holmes, The Real Death of 1989
Shewing-Up of Blanco Posnet, The 1961 (Student Group)
Shewing-up of Blanco Posnet, The 1988 (Student Group)
Shoemaker's Wonderful Wife, The 1992 (Student Group)
Shrew, The (The Taming of the Shrew) 1979
Silent Homecoming Party, The 1996
Sing To Me Through Open Windows 1975 (Directors' Showcase)
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 1983
Sisterhood, The 1994 (Student Group)
Sisters Three (New Play) (Annual Drama Festival) 1941
Sith Happens (24 Hour Plays) 2015
Six (Experiment) (New Play)1964
Six Characters in Search of an Author 1948
Six Characters in Search of an Author 1974
Sixth Hour, The (Annual Drama Festival) 1942
Skin Deep (24 hour Plays) 2014
Skin of our Teeth, The 1959 (Student Group)
Slaves of Solitude (New Adaptation) 2024
Slight Ache, A 1965
Slight Ache, A 2004
Slow Dance on the Killing Ground 1973
Snap, Snap, Boom 2020 (QEtra-Powerplay)(new play)
So Tired 2020 (Scenes in Solitude)(New play)
Soap of Sorrow (Play Reading) 1951
Soapsud Island 1990
Soapsud Island 2000
Someone Who'll Watch Over Me 2002
Something Unspoken 1977 (Student Group)
Song of Songs, The (adaption) (Annual Drama Festival) 1942
Soul Cages 1988 (Rehearsed Reading)
Soul Trader 2020 (QExtra - Powerpkay)(new play)
Sound and Fury (New Play) (Annual Drama Festival) 1942
South African, The 1961 (New Play)(New Plays Festival)
Special One, The (Overnight Plays) 2017
Spiders 2022 (New Play)(Powerplay 2)
Spring and Port Wine 1991 (Rehearsed Reading)
Stags and Hens 1991 (Student Group)
Stags and Hens 2016 (Student Group)
Stares, The 2020 (QExtra)(new play)
Star Chores: A New Leaf (Overnight Plays) 2022
Stars in the Evening Sky, The 2003 (Rehearsed Reading)
Steadman: In the Mouth of the Lion 1986
Steel Tumbleweed 2017 (Quarchives II)
Storm in a Paint Pot 1953 (Student Group)
Strange Case of Martin Richter, The 1972
Strange Echoes (New Play) (RR) 1954
Strangeness of Others, The 1992
Stranger in This City, A (Play Reading) (New Play)
Streetcar Named Desire, A 1981
Streetcar Named Desire, A 2004
Strictly Crows Only (Unseens) 2005
Striptease 1971
Striptease 2008
Strolling Clerk from Paradise, The (Annual Drama Festival) 1936
Strong Case of Martin Richter, The 1972
Stronger, The 1933
Stronger, The 1967
Stronger, The 1982 (Director's Showcase)
Struck by Lightning (Overnight Plays) 2023
Suddenly Last Summer 1972 (Student Group)
Suddenly Last Summer 2003
Suicide, The 1996 (Student Group)
Sullen Heart, The (Play Reading) 1950
Sullen Heart, The (Play Reading) 1951
Summer of the Seventeenth Doll 1993
Summerfolk 2004 (Student Group)
Sunburnt Ears 2016 (Questival II)
Sunday Costs Five Pesos 1939
Sunday Costs Five Pesos (Comedy Contrasts) 1944
Sunday Lunch 1991 (Rehearsed Reading)
Superfluous Man, The 1985 (Rehearsed Reading)
Surrey Recruit, The (New Play) 1964
Sweeney Todd 1956
Sweeney Todd 1964
Sweeney Todd (2010)
Switchback, The (Play Reading) 1940
Table Manners (The Norman Conquests) 1986
Tailored (Overnight Plays) 2018
Talk and Cheese (Overnight Plays) 2021
Talk And Cheese 2021(Overnight Plays)(New Play)
Talk in the Park, A 1981 (Student Group)
Talk To me Like The Rain and Let Me Listen 2015 (Directors' Showcase)
Taming of the Shrew, The 1935
Taming of the Shrew, The (The Shrew) 1979
Taming of the Shrew, The 1990
Taming of the Shrew, The 2009
Tango 1969
Tartuffe 1953
Tartuffe 1987
Tartuffe 2002 (Student Group)
Taste of Honey, A 1980
Taste of Honey, A 1996
Team Building (Overnight Plays) 2021
Tell Me, Moon (New Play) (Annual Drama Festival) 1945
Tempest, The 1960
Tempest, The 1998
Tempest, The 2012
Temptation too Great, A (Rehearsed Reading)(New Play)
Tess of the D'Urbervilles 2018
Testament of Cressied (New Play) 1952
That Spot of Joy 2021 (Audio Drama)
There (QExtra: Work in Progress)
There'll Always be a Brentford 2006
These Cornfields 1963 (Student Group)
They Alone Know 1981 (Student Group)
They Also Serve (New Play) (Annual Drama Festival) 1943
They Refuse to be Resurrected (Annual Drama Festival) 1937
This Is It (New Play)(QExtra) 2023
Thor, with Angels 1965 (Student Group)
Three Honourable Gentlemen, The 1955
Three Legged Man, The (Rehearsed Reading) 1957
Three Sisters 1960
Three Sisters 1976
Three Sisters 1997
Three Sisters 2010
Threepenny Opera, The 1992
Thurberesque 1977
Thwarting of Baron Bolligrew, The 1978
Ticket-of-Leave Man, The 1960
Ticket-of-Leave Man, The 1972
Time and the Conways 1958 (SG)
Time and the Conways 1973
Time and The Conways 1983 (Student Group)
Time and The Conways 2002 (Student Group)
Time, Life,Sex and You Know What (New Play) 1972
Time to Write (Overnight Plays) 2018
Timekeeper, The (New Play) 1972
Tinker's Wedding, The 1943
Tinker's Wedding, The 1966 (Director's Showcase)
Tinker's Wedding, The 1978 (Student Group)
Tinkers' Idyll 1953 (New Play)(Student Group)
Tinsel of Athens, The 1950 (New Play)
Tiro Tells Everything 1983 (Director's Showcase)
Tis Something, Nothing (Overnight Plays) 2018
Titus Andronicus, The Tragedy of 1957
Tobias and the Angel (Play Reading) 1938
Tonight Will Be A Memory Too (Overnight Plays) 2017
Torch Girl (Overnight Plays) 2021
Torch Song Trilogy (excerpt) 1995
Town-Fop, The 1989 (Rehearsed Reading)
Tragedy of Tragedies, or Tomb Thumb 1990
Transcending 1972
Transcending 1975 (Student Group)
Traveller without Luggage 1962
Treasure Island (New Play) 2023
Trelawny of the Wells 1974 (Student Group)
Trelawny of the Wells 1993
Trelawny of the Wells 2001 (Student Group)
Trelawny of the Wells 2017 (Student Group)
Trial, The 1985 (Student Group)
Triangles 1979 (Student Group)
Trick, The (Overnet Plays) 2020
Tricorn (Overnight Plays) 2023
Trojan Barbie 2013 (Student Group)
Trojan Women, The 1948
Trojan Women, The 1969 (Student Group)
Trojan Women, The (Director's Showcase) 1976
Trojan Women, The 1992
Trojan Women, The 2007
Tuscan Artist, The 1948 (New Play)
Twelfth Night 1936
Twelfth Night (scenes) (British Drama League Festival) 1937
Twelfth Night 1962
Twelfth Night 1982
Twelfth Night 2001
Twelfth Night 2016
Twelve-Pound Look, The 1975 (Director's Showcase)
Two Cleaners (New Play)(Festival of New Theatre) 2022
Two Days of Grace at Middleham 2002 (Rehearsed Reading)
Two Gentlemen 1987
Two Gentlemen of Verona 1951
Two Gentlemen of Verona 1987
Two Planks and a Passion 1990 (Student Group)
Two Square Pegs 2007