List of Plays: D E F
Daisy Pulls it Off 1993
Daisy Pulls it Off 2018
Damask Drum, The 1967 (Student Group)
Dandy Dick 1937
Dandy Dick 1964
Danger (Annual Drama Festival) 1937
Dangerous Corner (Play Reading) 1939
Dangerous Corner 1988
Danny and the Flyer 1988
Dare the Dark (Overnight Plays) 2023
Dark of the Moon 1964 (Student Group)
Dark River, The (New Play) 1943
Dark Lady of the Sonnets, The (Annual Drama Festival) 1937
Dark Lady of the Sonnets, The (Annual Drama Festival) 1943
Darkness (Overnight Plays) 2019
David's Birthday 1991 (Showcase)
David's Covid 2020 (Scenes in Solitude)(New play)
Dawn Breaking 2002 (Rehearsed Reading)
Day in the Death of Joe Egg, A 1972
De Brokken 1979
Dead Air (Overnight Plays) 2017
Dead Boy Café 2002 (new play)
Dead White Males (Student goup) 2016
Dealer's Choice 2012
Death and the Maiden 1995
Death and the Maiden 2022
Death of a Salesman 1962
Death of a Salesman 1995
Death in Leicester 1967 (New Play)
Decorator, The 1985 (Rehearsed Reading)
Decoy, The (New Play) (Annual Drama Festival) 1944
Devastation 1992 (Rehearsed Reading)
Devil Among the Skins, The (Annual Drama Festival) 1944
Devil's Disciple, The 1963
Devil's Disciple, The 1990
Diamond Ring, The (New Play)(Dark Monday)
Diary of a Scoundrel (New Play) 1946
Diary of Anne Frank, The 1959 (Student Group)
Dick Whittington and His Cat 2015
Difference, The (Colloquialisms) 1964
Dimbola 2021 (Staged Reading)(New Play)
Dinner with the Family 1999 (Student Group)
Discord in Four Flats (RR) 1952
Disorderly Women, The 1970 (Student Group)
Dispersed (New Play) (RR) 1955
Divine Intervention 2020 (Scenes in Solitude)(New play)
Doctor Faustus 1976
Doctor Faustus 1988
Doctor Faustus 2011
Dogs of Pavlov, The 1969 (New Play)
Doll's House, A (Play Reading) 1938
Doll's House, A 1945
Doll's House, A 1972
Doll's House, A 1997
Doll's House, A 2003
Doll's House, A 2023 (adaptation)
Don Juan 1976
Don Juan 1992 (Rehearsed Reading)
Don Juan or The Love of Geometry 1992
Don Juan Comes Back from the War 1984
Don't Keep the Vanman Waiting 1968
Don't Wait For Me 1963 (New Play)
Double-Double 1963 (Student Group)
Dracula 1974
Dracula 1995
Dracula - Fangs of Destiny 2013 (New Play)
Dragon and The Canary, The 2020 (Audio Drama)(New play)
Dragon's Teeth 1933
Dragon's Teeth 2023
Drawback, The (Annual Drama Festival) 1934
Drilling for Happiness 1993
Drought (Annual Drama Festival)1946
Duchess of Malfi, The 1971
Duchess of Malfi, The 2014
Duet for One 1993 (rehearsed Reading)
Duet for One 2004
Ealing Club, The (new play) 2022
Early Plays 1979
Early Rising (New Play) (RR) 1955
Early Shakespeare and the Late Marlowe (New Play) 1977
Edge of the World (New Play) 1952
Educating Rita 1987
Educating Rita 2013
Edward II (Play Reading) 1937
Edward II 1968
Electra 1972 (Student Group)
Electra 1983 (Student Group)
Electra 1975
Elephant in the Room, The (24 Hour Plays) 2013
Eleventh Hour 1977
Emil and the Detectives (QYT) 2017
Enchanted Night (Late Night) 2017
End of the Beginning, The (Annual Drama Festival) 1937
English Captain, The 1955 (New Play)
Englishman Abroad, An (Single Spies) 2024
Entertaining Changes 1993
Entertaining Strangers 1994 (Student Group)
Entertaining Strangers 2011 (Student Group)
Entertaining Mr Sloane 1990 (Rehearsed Reading) Entertaining Mr Sloane 1997
Epitaph for George Dillon 1961
Erpingham Camp, The 1974 (Student Group)
Erpingham Camp, The 1987 (Student Group)
Eunuch, The 1971 (Student Group)
Events in a Small Country Town (24 Hour Plays) 2016
Exhibitionists are Among Us, The 1963 (New Play)
Faceless Souls (24 Hour Plays) 2016
Fairground Music (New Play)(Experiment) 1964
Faith, Hope and Charity (Rehearsed Reading) 1992
Fall of the House of Usher, The 1988
Fall and Redemption of Man, The 1970
Fall and Conversion of Mary, Niece of Abraham the Hermit, The 1976
Family Affiar, It's A 1943
Family Affair, A 1997
Family Album 1978 (Student Group)
Family Reunion, The 1954
Family Reunion, The 1977
Family Comedy, A 1953 (Student Group)
Fanny's First Play 1990 (Rehearsed Reading)
Fantastic Fairground, The 1984
Fantasticks, The 1941
Fantasticks, The 1999
Far From the Madding Crowd 2009 (Student Group)
Far-Off Hills, The 1957 (Student Group)
Faraway Princess, The 1933
Faraway Princess, The 1940
Fatal Rubber, The (Annual Drama Festival) 1937
Father, The 1967
Father, The 1988
Fear and Misery in The Third Reich 1989 (Student Group)
Fear and Misery in The Third Reich 2003 (Student Group)
Fear and Misery in The third Reich 2105 (Student Group)
Female Transport 1977
Female Transport 1992 (Student Group)
Ferry, The (New Play) (Annual Drama Festival) 1945
Fiar Play 1985
Filumena 1992 (Rehearsed Reading)
Final Dividend (New Play) 1947
Final Take (Overnight Plays) 2019
Find Me 1981 (Student Group)
Find Me 2024 (Student Group)
Finger of God, The (Annual Drama Festival) 1935
Finnegan's Wake (The voice of Shem) 1958
Fire from Heaven (New Play) (Annual Drama Festival) 1945
Fireman Sam "Ready for Action" 1998
First Impressions (Overnight Plays) 2018
First Love is the Revolution 2020
Flame, The (British Drama League Festival) 1936
Flea in Her Ear, A 1976
Flea in Her Ear, A 2010
Fight of the Canaries (New Play)(QExtra) 2023
Flint Street Nativity, The 2011
Florentine Tragedy, A (Annual Drama Festival) 1938
Fool's Mate (New Play) (Annual Drama Festival) 1941
Form, The 1963 (Director's Showcase)
Formation Dancers, The 1990 (Rehearsed Reading)
Fortunato (excerpt) (Annual Drama Festival) 1943
Four Stars 2022 (New Play)(Powerplay 2)
Fowler's Gift 2020 (Scenes in Solitude)(New play)
Fratricide Punished, The Tragedy of 1955
Free Association 2003 (Rehearsed Reading)
Full Disclosure 202 (QExtra- Powerplay)(new play)
Full Moon, The 1958 (Student Group)
Fumed Oak 1984 (Student Group)
Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, A 2007
Further than the Furthest Thing 2009
Future Conditional 2019 (Student Production)
Futures 2014 (New Play)