List of Plays: U V W X Y Z
Ubu Rex 1998 (Student Group)
Ubu Rex 1999
Ulysses 1993 (Rehearsed Reading)
Uncle Vanya 1941
Uncle Vanya 1968
Uncle Vanya 1994
Uncle Vanya 2015
Under Milk Wood (shortened version) 1960 (Student Group)
Under Milk Wood 1980 (Student Group)
Under Milk Wood 1989
Unknown Warrior, The (Play Reading) 1934
Unveiling 1992 (Rehearsed Reading)
Usual Channels (New Play)(RR) 1954
Vacant Possession (Annual Drama Festival) 1937
Venus and the Sheperdess (Annual Drama Festival) 1934
View of Glass Mountain, A (QExtra) 2019
View from the Bridge, A 1980
View from the Bridge, A 2003
Vikings of Helgeland, The 1992 (Rehearsed Reading)
Villa for Sale (Annual Drama Festival) 1937
Villa for Sale (Club Evening) 1940
Vinegar Tom 1987 (Student Group)
Visit, The 2007 (Student Group)
Voice of Shem, The (Finnegan's Wake) 1958
Vote by Ballot (Rehearsed Reading) 1988
Waiting For Godot 1961
Waiting For Godot 1973
Waiting For Godot 1990
Waiting for Godot 2007
Waiting Room, The 1975 (Director's Showcase)
Wakefield Cycle, The (The Shepherd's Play) 1936
Wakefield Cycle, The (The Resurrection) 1970 (Student Group)
Waldo and the Wonderful Web 1983
Waltz of the Toreadors, The 1979
Was Ever Woman Woo'd (Richard III) (Annual Drama Festival) 1946
Wasteland, The (Director's Showcase) 1976
Watch on the Works 1973 (New Play)
Waving to a Train 2001 (Rehearsed Reading)
Way of the World, The 1968
Way of the World, The (extract) 1982
Way We Live Now, The (World Aid's Day) 1997
We Will Not Be Silent 2017 (Dark Monday)
Wedding, The 1957 (Student Group)
Wedding, The 1964 (Student Group)
Wedding, The 1973 (Student Group Look-in)
Wedding, The 1982 (Student Group)
Weep My Fortunes (King Lear) 1992
Werewolves 1991
Western Chamber, The 1940
Western Chamber, The 1944
We Will Not Be Silent (Dark Monday) 2017
What a Load of Rubbish 2002 (Rehearsed Reading)
What Really Happened to Felicity Hope? 1966 (New Plays Festival)
What the Butler Saw 1977
What the Butler Saw 2002
Whatever Happened to Kathy Kirby? 1995
When the Bough Breaks (Overnight Plays) 2022
When the Rain Stops Falling 2017
Whispers in The Wings 2024 (New Play)(Youth Group)
White Headed Boy, the (Play Reading)
White Headed Boy, The 1940
White Nights 1989
Who Loved Not Wisely (Othello) (Annual Drama Festival) 1945
Who Was Hilary Maconochie? 1963 (New Play)
Who Was Hilary Maconochie? 2004
Who's Afaid of Virginia Woolf 1969
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf 2002
Why the Long face? (Overnight Plays) 2022
Wild Spirits (Director's Showcase) 1978
Wilfred and the Wizard Hunt 1982
Winter's Tale, The 1950
Winter's Tale, The 1965
Winter's Tale, The 1981
Winter's Tale, The 2002
Witch, The 1934
Witch, The (Annual Drama Festival) 1936
Witches, The 2003
Without Women 2001 (Rehearsed Reading)
Wolves of Willoughby Chase, The 2015 (Youth Group)
Woman of No Importance, A 1999
Woman Who Turned into a Clock, The 2003
Women from the Voe, The 1953 (Student Group)
Women have Their Way, The 1951 (Student Group)
Wonderful World of Dissocia, The 2015
Wooing of Wilhelmina, The (New Play) (Annual Drama Festival) 1944
Wormwood 2002 (Rehearsed Reading)
Worthy Master, The 1938
Yerma 1991
Yerma 2012 (Student Group)
You Can't Take it With You 1952
You Can't Take it With You 1993 (Student Group)
You Can't Take it With You 2003 (Student Group)
You Can't Take it With You 2024
You Never Can Tell 1932
You Never Can Tell 1995
Young Hearts (New Play)(Disintegration) 2022
Young Idea, The (Student Group) 2015
Young Woodley (Play Reading) 1933
You're Gonna be Alright, Jamie Boy 1982