February 1992 Director: by Ron Bloomfield Cast: John Kearns, Steve Fitzpatrick, Michael Langridge, Renata Nash, Graham Williams
November 1992 Director: Renata Nash
To complement the Spanish setting of our Playhouse production, this month's Rehearsed Reading is a translation of Lope de Vega's La Dama Boba, a Spanish with 'intellectual' complications.
May 1992 Director: Rodney Figaro Cast: Stephen Bentley, Mary Davies, Matthew Flexman, Fiona Gee, Pamela Major, Diana Nesbitt, James Price, Dorothy Boyd Taylor, John Kearns Crew: Linda McDonald, Diana Nesbit
May 1992 Director: Steve Fitzpatrick Cast: Paul Botly, Steve Fitzpatrick, Dominique Gerrard, Lisa Gordon-clark, Paul Hotly, Simon Thomas, Megan Whelan, Peter Whelan, Graham Williams
February 1992 Director: Michael Gerrard Cast: Peter Gardiner, Anne Gerrard, Nikki Gerrard, David Hovatter, John Kearns, Mike Langridge, Roland Scarce, Lynn Scrivener, Paul Vincent, Sue West
June 1992 Director: Michael Langridge
To coincide with our production of Saturday, Sunday, Monday, we present another rich comedy by the same author, last seen in London in 1977 with a cast led by Joan Plowright and Colin Blakely, directed by Franco Zeffirelli.
After twenty-five years of living together, Domenico is tricked into a 'deathbed marriage' with Filumena after she discovers that he plans to marry a much younger woman. When Domenico realises he has been duped he tries to annul the marriage. But he underestimates the determination of Filumena, who has some startling revelations up her sleeve.
July 1992 Director: Mary Davies Cast: Julia Cooke, Ian Harris, John Turner
by Peter Handke
November 1992 Director: Simon Thomas Cast: Antonia Cavendish, Judy Lane, Anne Sawbridge, Simon Thomas
April 1992 Director: Kelvin West Cast: Nigel Lawrence, Fiona Nicholson, Wendy Smith, Piers Whibley
October 1992 Director: Brian Ingram
Pinter's first stage play, The Room, contains all the hallmarks of his style: ambiguity of intention, failure of communication, menace from outside. Yet, while this last is certainly present, this play was initially dubbed 'The Comedy of Menace' and it is the comic aspects of the play that director Brian Ingram intends to explore in this Reading.
While the menace lies in the plot, the comedy stems from the characters and in what they know and think they know. It is through their inability to 'know' that Pinter creates the menace and from this ignorance comedy is born.
December 1992 Director: Barbara Neville
It is Christmas Eve in the home of Neville and Belinda Bunker and the relatives are gathered for the festivities. But anyone accustomed to the Ayckbourn view of family life can be sure that Christmas in the Bunker household holds more than a few blackly comic moments. The presents are wrapped, Belinda is trimming the tree, Phyllis is creating havoc in the kitchen prior to collapsing in an alcoholic stupor, while her husband is unpacking the trappings of his latest puppet show. And into their midst walks the unsuspecting Clive ...
by Henrik Ibsen
January 1992 Director: David Gowman Cast: John Davey, Amy Finegan, Robin Ingram, John Turner, Margaret Turner, Sue West, David Wheatley
by Frank McGuinness
December 1992 Director: Joe Campbell
The story of eight men who volunteer to serve in the 36th (Ulster) Division at the beginning ot World War I, this play reaches its climax at the start of the Battle of the Somme.
July 1992 Director: Simon Thomas Cast: Peter and Ffrangcon Whelan