Cast: Sylvia Estop, Hugh Forsythe, Lawrence Irvin, June Judson, Don Kincaid, Michael Langridge, Myles McDowell, John Turner, Judith Watson, Peter Whelan
Production Team: Robert Baley, Diane McDowell, Christine Reid, Judith Watson, Timothy Williams, Charles Wrighton, Tom Stoppard
After the opening of the Playhouse in 1964, few 'bona fide' productions were mounted in the Stanislaysky Room for several years, although it was constantly in use — for rehearsed readings, for example. A number of one-off performances, perhaps best described as opportunist productions, were also mounted. One of these, in 1964, followed a Playwrights' Symposium in Berlin which had been attended by a group of Questors actors and was billed as 'Five Plays from Berlin'. This, remarkably, included the first production of the one-act version of Tom Stoppard's Rosencrantz and Guildernstern Are Dead (then entitled Guildernstern and Rosencrantz).
Extract from
"A Few Drops of Water - The Story of The Questors Theatre 1929-1989"