by James Saunders

The Questors Playhouse
October 1966

The Felixstowe Autumn Festival of Drama and the Arts
October 1966
Directed by Peter Jeffries
Designed by Stephan Paczai
Lighting by Bob Harris, Vic Fisher
Sound by Malcolm Ferguson
Cast: Nevile Cruttenden, Peter Frank, Barbara Hutchins, Lawrence Irvin, Laurence Nixon, Ted Scrivener, Donald Starkey, Jeanette Walters
Musicians: Paul Charnett, Harold Clarkson, Howard Friend, Don Kincaid
Production Team: Bob Bailey, Pam Barge, Katie Blackford, Michael Custance, Geoffrey Dobson, Freddie Edwards, Malcolm Ferguson, Vic Fisher, Richard Gaunt, Bob Harris, John Howard, Peter Jeffries, Don Kincaid, Christine Lockwood, Nora Nelson, Stephan Paczai, Jenny Pettit, Yvonne Pountney, Gerald Punton, Roger De Toney, Peter Wall, Judith Watson