by Donagh MacDonagh

The Questors Studio
October 1962
Directed by John Miles Brown
Designed by Gerald Kitching
Lighting by Anthony Hole, Nigel Mason-Clark
Sound by Denis and June Comper
Costumes by Elizabeth Holden, Joan Pyle
Tony Barber, Donald Clarke, Michael Davis, Babs Foster, Anthony Harrison, Robin Ingram, Dorinne Ingram, David Lorraine, Bernard Mclaughlin, Laurence Nixon, Joan Pyle, Teresa Ridout, Wilfrid Sharp, Dorothy Boyd Taylor, Philip Wright
Production Team:
John Miles Brown, Tony Carter, Nigel Mason-clark, Denis Comper, June Comper, Dorothy Craik, Graham Evans, David Evans, Rita Frost, Elizabeth Holden, Anthony Hole, Gerald Kitching, Constance Newbery, Jo Phelps, Joan Pyle, Daphne Williams