by Anton Chekhov

The Questors Playhouse
June 2010
Directed by David Emmet
Designed by Kim Alwyn and Aimee Sajjan-Srvaes
Lighting by Francois Langton
Sound by Joel Schrire
Costumes by Sarah Andrews and Jennie Yates
Gianluca Arcidiacono, Bill Boyd, Julian Casey, Eleanor Cox, Scott Drummond, Szczepan Grebosz, Martin Halvey, Emma Hounsell, Andre Le Brocquy, Wesley Lloyd, Sarah Mannion, Eleanor Misselbrook, Hannah Nepilovà, Ken Ratcliffe, Kathryn Redwood, Michael Roebuck, Anne Sawbridge
Production Team:
Debbie Abel, Kim Alwyn, Sarah Andrews, Jemma Auvache, Elaine Bates, Sarah Clopet, Camilla Collins, Mary Davies, David Emmet, Hunter Gibson, Mike Hagan, Helen Karasiewicz, Francois Langton, Mark Lucek, Richard Mead, Paul Michel, Stephanie Moore, Will O'Connell, Paul Robinson, Ursula Russell, Aimee Sajjan-Servaes, Joel Schrire, Kate Townsend, Michelle Weaver, Richard Williams, Jennie Yates,