The Questors National Student Playwriting Competition (Joint Winner)

by R D Steadman-Jones
with music by Rupert Wates

The Questors Studio
June 1989
Directed by Anthea Dobry
Musical Direction by Rupert Wates
Designed by Kris Collier
Lighting by Tim Hayward
Sound by Ian Howlett
Costumes by Anne Townley, Monyene Kane
Nevile Cruttenden, Lisa Day, Rachel Power, Daniel Smith, Ffrangcon Whelan
Production Team:
Cathey Addaway, Mary Anderson, Kris Collier, Kris Collier, Anthea Dobry, Penny Dyer, Tim Hayward, Ian Howlett, Monyene Kane, Nic Mehew, Gordon Miller, Anne Rice, Martin Sapsed, Jane Stacey, Anne Townley, Rupert Wates, Robin Watson