by Georg Büchner, translated by Marguerite Minster
with music by Nic Mayhew

The Questors Playhouse
January 1989
Directed by Geoff Webb, Andrew Davie
Designed by Brad Askew
Lighting by Andrew Davie
Sound by Robin Thompson
Costumes by Celia Dowell
Tony Cox, Grace Craddock, Ishal Gaster, Michael Gerrard, Tom Lewis, Rachel Power, David Slottved, William Waghorn, Marjorie Wiles
Nic Mayhew
Production Team:
Brad Askew, Rosalind Bull, Derek Byrne, Andrew Davie, Alison Dixon, Celia Dowell, Nic Mehew, Claudine Murphy, Andrew Rungen, Marina Seward, Walter Seward, Adrienne Talbot, Robin Thompson, Geoff Webb, Sophie West