Cast: Sarah Conway, Julia Cooke, Nick Harding, Silas Hawkins, Nigel Lawrence, Anna Macready, Vincent McQueen, Rosalind Moore, John Morris, Melanie Nunn, Anne O'Brien, Clive Paget, John Rolfe, Martin Seager, Robert Seater, Leela Selvon, Richard Shelton, Howard Shepherdson, Mandy Telling, Stan Telling, Kelvin West
Andrew Parkins, Shirley Salzedo, John Tripp (and members of the cast)
Production Team: Roger Brace, Henry Broom, Graham Carpenter, Ally Court, Jim Craddock, Tina Harris, Tania Horwood, Bob Hoskins, Ian Howlett, Carol Metcalfe , Gordon Miller, Val Moran, Diana Nesbitt, Jonathan Partington, Martin Seager, Gillian Shelvey, John Stacey, Corinne Tite, Martin Udall, Linda Zieba