One For The Road,
A Kind of Alaska,
Mountain Language
by Harold Pinter

The Questors Playhouse
October 1989
Directed by Geoff Webb
Designed by Marina Seward, Walter Seward
Lighting by Pete Stanmore
Sound by Steve Hames
Costumes by Denys Gaskill, Mary Davies

(One For The Road) Michael Healy, Peter Logue, Heather Naylor, Jon Sayers
(A Kind of Alaska) Nevile Cruttenden, Dorothy Boyd-Taylor, Catherine Wallace
(Mountain Language) Grace Craddock, Pam Gower, Gabrielle Hecht, Jane Le Mesurier, Roger Lewis, Patrick McQuillan, Diana Nesbitt, Fiona Nicholson, Lisa Pond, Simon Thomas, Paul Whiting, Mairi Wilson
Production Team:
Kimberly Ann Reina, Kris Collier, Mary Davies, Chris Eedy, Denys Gaskill, Steve Hames, Helen Heap, Doug King, Gillian Leary, Jo Perse, Jenny Richardson, Marina Seward, Walter Seward, Jane Stacey, Pete Stanmore, Geoff Webb