by Arthur Wing Pinero

With music by Barbara Hutchins and Vincent McQueen
The Questors Playhouse
May 1964
Directed by Barbara Hutchins
Designed by Juliette Howard
Lighting by Richard Learner, Brian Lisher
Sound by Graham Evans
Costumes by Juliette Howard
Anthony Barber, Derek Brown, Sylvia Estop, David Gower, Paul Imbusch, Kenneth Ratcliffe, Bill Rudderham, Mavis Sage, Sheila Sorley, Dorothy Boyd Taylor, Philip Wright
Production Team:
Gerald Blake, Neville Bradbury, Tom Brown, Hilda Collins, Graham Evans, Marjorie Golsby, Juliette Howard, Barbara Hutchins, Jacqueline Learner, Richard Learner, Brian Lisher, Vera Mason, Jane Simpson