A Farewell to the old theatre (Tin Hut)

The Questors Theatre
September 1962
Directed by Wilfrid Sharp
Jo Arundel, Diana Benn, Doreen Coates, Denis Comper, Ken Conington, Winifred Copperwheat, Elizabeth Dixon, Alan Drake, Alfred Emmet, Sylvia Estop., Michael Green, Theresa Heffernan, Albert Hooper, John Howard, Barbara Hutchins, Paul Imbusch, Lawrence Irvin, Eric Kirby , Harry Locke, Vincent Mcqueen, Joan Mcqueen, Raymond Moss, Laurence Nixon, Joan Pyle, Pam Richards, John Murray Scott, Ted Scrivener, Wilfrid Sharp, Dorothy Boyd-Taylor, Arthur Boyd-Taylor, Betty Walker, Philip Wright
Eric Kirby, Barbara Hutchins, Elsa Hayes
Production Team:
George Benn, Ruth Howard, Gerry Isenthal, Rena Rice, Wilfrid Sharp, George Stubbs, Peter Talbot