Two links with Tin Hut days have been severed by the deaths of Dennis Estop and Patrick Bacon.
Dennis, who died in February [1997], aged 77 had been a Questor for some 45 years and was a much-loved personality. He was one of those stalwarts always there, especially when the Theatre was being built in the fifties and sixties.
Dennis joined the Student Group in the early fifties and appeared in a number of plays. He has a niche in our Hall of Fame as featuring in a photograph in The Art of Coarse Acting, playing a lunatic asylum attendant in my production of SWEENEY TODD (1964).
Patrick Bacon, whose death was announced at the AGM, appeared in many plays from the early sixties, one of his best performances being as the lawyer in Anouilh's TRAVELLERS WITHOUT LUGGAGE in 1963, when all plays were in the studio owing to imminent demolition of the Tin Hut. Also in the cast were Kit Emmet and Robin Ingram (then aged 12!)
Some years ago he moved to Norfolk, but kept his interest to the end and would drive up to visit the Questors even though into his eighties.
Michael Green

[Questopics 419, April 1997]

Patrick Bacon at The Questors
1957 The Miser
1958 Eurydice
1958 Everybody Loves Celimare
1958 Summer and Smoke
1960 Misalliance
1960 Three Sisters
1961 The Rules of The Game
1962 A Month in The Country
1962 Traveller without Luggage
1963 The Devil's Disciple
1964 Brand
1964 A Midsummer Night's Dream
1965 The Cherry Orchard
1967 The Corruptible Crown
1969 The Appointment
1969 Peer Gynt
1970 Conditions of Agreement
1971 The Duchess of Malfi
1972 Catsplay
1972 The Strange Case of Martin Richter
1973 Crincum Crancum
1974 Dracula
1976 Three Sisters
1979 The Ghost Sonata
1980 The Hostage

Dennis Estop at The Questors
1952 The Anniversary
1952 Deirdre
1955 The World's Wonder
1957 Ten Nights in a Bar-Room
1958 Maria Marten or The Murder in The Red Barn
1959 The Drunkard
1960 The Ticket of Leave Mane
1961 Lady Audley's Secret
1961 The Lady of Larkspur Lotion
1961 The Love of Don Perlimplin
1961 Portrait of a Madonna
1961 The Shewing-Up of Blanco Posnet
1962 Bulldog Drummond
1964 Sweeney Todd
1965 The Silver King
1967 An Italian Straw Hat
1968 The Shaughraun
1993 Trelawny of the Wells