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JOHN STACEY (d.2022)

I am sorry to report the sad news from Alec Atchison that John Stacey passed away a few days ago. John was a delightful person, and a joy to work with. John Dobson's archive records note that as well as being one of our most inventive designers (he designed 65 shows between 1970 and 2006) and he was not adverse to carrying a spear or two on stage (24 appearances - including several coarse acting roles).

He was Head of Design for a few years, but never really liked administration. He was also a member of the Pitshanger Poets for many years. John was also a talented painter, and I'm proud to own a work he painted of a Chiltern Hills landscape.

Alec says that John had been in a home for some time, first in Ealing, and latterly in Southall, but was taken into Ealing Hospital a week or so ago, and died there.
Doug King

Phillip Sheahan:
Sad news. I remember John very well. He had an engaging sense of humour as well as his talent as a designer. RIP John.

Lyn Langridge-Jones:
Sad news. I have fond memories of him, and his dry sense of humour.

Paul Collins
Thanks Doug - sad news.

Fiona Partington
Very sad news. He was a lovely, gentle, thoughtful soul - with a delightful sense of humour. Thanks for letting us know. xx

Maggie Turner
Thank you to Doug and Alec for passing on this sad news. We, too, have one of John Stacey's oil paintings on our wall.

Graham Bowe
John was one of the most delightful and talented people I have known.

Anne Neville
What a sad loss. I remember he made my cart for Mother Courage and I could pull it with one finger! He was a darling.

Michael Langridge
Sad news indeed. John was a lovely man, very talented and great fun to work with. He used to add little motifs to his sets like the odd mouse or spider. 'Just for the cast' he used to say.

Anne Gilmour
Very sad news indeed. He was a lovely man with a great sense of humour. I too have one of his paintings and recall his artistic talents. RIP.

Rachel Griffiths
Oh how sad. I remember him well as a spear carrier in Coarse Shakespeare. He came up to me wearing his Roman costume and said completely deadpan 'Does my bum look big in this?'

Howard Shepherdson
I am very saddened to hear this. A talented and lovely man. He designed for me when I did Noyes Fludde the opera outside Questors and his set was beautiful.

Sue Kendrick
So sorry to hear this sad news. I assisted John on my very first production.

1970 The Fall and Redemption of Man
1970 Salad Days
1971 Bleach
1971 John
1971 Poor Dumb Animals

1972 A Day in the Death of Joe Egg
1972 The Happy Haven
1973 Herr Puntilla and his Man Matti
1974 Dracula
1974 Escurial
1974 Six Characters in Search of an Author
1975 On the Spot
1975 The Recruiting Officer
1977 Female Transport
1977 Prometheus Bound
1978 Oh, What a Lovely War!
1978 The Thwarting of Baron Bolligrew
1979 The Beggar's Opera
1979 The Coarse Acting Show 2
1979 It's All for the Best
1980 Macbeth
1981 Aladdin
1981 The Amazing Dancing Bear
1981 The Boy Friend
1981 Forty Years On
1982 Happy End
1982 Twelfth Night
1983 A Month in the Country
1983 Wilfred and the Wizard Hunt
1984 Henry IV Part 1
1985 The Cherry Sisters
1985 Tom Jones
1986 Good
1987 All's Well That Ends As You Like It
1987 The Brick
1987 A Collier's Tuesday Tea
1987 Il Fornicazione (The Adulterer)
1987 Somewhere in England
1987 Streuth
1988 The Bedbug
1988 The Hired Man
1989 Measure for Measure
1989 Mother Courage and Her Children
1989 The Real Death of Sherlock Holmes
1990 The Barber of Seville
1990 Figaro Gets a Divorce
1990 The Marriage of Figaro
1990 Soapsud Island
1991 The Cuckoo School
1991 Moll Flanders
1991 Yerma
1992 The Threepenny Opera

1993 Kind Hearts and Comedies
1993 Much Ado About Nothing
1995 The Fourth Coarse Acting World Championships
1995 Next Time I'll Sing to You
1996 The Glass Menagerie a Trois
1996 Oedocles - King of Thebes
1996 The Silent Homecoming Party
1996 Trapped

2004 A Collier's Tuesday Tea
2004 Streuth

2006 The Dog in the Manger
1967 The Corruptible Crown
1967 Phaedra

1970 Henry IV Part 2
1976 Dona Rosita, The Spinster
1978 The Thwarting of Baron Bolligrew
1979 The Coarse Acting Show 2
1979 The Vampire
1980 Macbeth
1980 The White Devil
1982 Twelfth Night
1983 The Third Great Coarse Acting Show
1983 Waldo and the Wonderful Web
1985 Under the Gaslight
1986 Destiny
1986 Good
1986 Maria Marten or Murder in the Red Barn
1987 All's Well That Ends As You Like It
1987 Animal Farm
1988 The Hired Man
1990 The Devil's Disciple
2004 A Fish in her Kettle
2012 Coarse Shakespeare - The Final Folio