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FRED CANN (d.1970)

Fred Cann's many friends who had lost touch since he moved to Hertfordshire, will learn with regret of his sudden death after a short illness.

Fred Cann was a very active member during the building of the New Theatre when he gave generously of his skills as a civil engineer. Indeed there are few parts of the Shaw and Stanislavsky Rooms which do not show some signs of Fred's expertise.

There is a possibility that his wife Lena (a one-time member of the Wardrobe Committee) and son Richard will return to Ealing from East Barnet. We can assure them of a very warm welcome.

[Questopics 049, July 1970]

Fred Cann at The Questors
1956 Sacrifice to The Wind
1957 Cavelleria Rusticana
1957 Holiday in Biarritz
1957 Pygmalion
1957 Wedding, The
1958 Eurydice
1958 Julius Caesar
1959 Questrionics
1959 The Scythe and The Sunset
1960 Three Sisters
1961 All My Own Work
1961 Ghosts
1962 Death of a Salesman
1963 The Rough and Ready Lot
1964 Brand
1964 A Midsummer Night's Dream
1965 The Cherry Orchard
1965 How I Assumed the Role of a Popular Dandy
1965 The Igloo
1965 Quoat-Quoat
1965 The Shed
1965 The Silver King