The Questors has just learnt of the sad death of Mavis Armitt (Sage). Many members will remember her for her delightful performances particularly in mid- to late 1960s & 70s and, more recently, on front of house. A loyal member for over 50 years, her daughter (Louise) and son (Guy) sent us this email: “Our mum Mavis Armitt (Sage), very sadly passed away last year; she was a member of the Questors Theatre and had acted there since her youth until she became a drama teacher. She was very fond of the place and took us there many times. It was actually where she met our dad, John Armitt, he was building sets!”
A memorial bench will be placed on the Thames towpath in Kew near to her home and a place which she loved. This will be the inscription: In memory of our beautiful Mavis Armitt née Sage 1941 to 2021 "One touch of nature makes the whole world kin" William Shakespeare.
Mavis was a prolific child film star and can still often be seen on TalkingPictures TV, her dimples and smile so much in evidence. In recognition of this early career, any excess money raised above the £1600 cost of the bench, will go to The Actors’ Benevolent Fund, which supports professional actors, actresses and stage managers who are unwell, injured or unable to work because of their age. If you would like to contribute, here is the link: https://www.gofundme.com/f/memorial-bench-for-mavis
MAVIS (SAGE) ARMITT at The Questors 1964 Dandy Dick 1964 Pop 1967 Phaedra 1968 The Shaughraun 1969 The Comedy of Errors 1969 Onkel Onkel 1970 The Fall and Redemption of Man 1970 Salad Days
1976 Menaechmi (rehearsed Reading)