Members who were around in the 1970s will be sad to hear that Chris Lee died on 6 February, after a battle against cancer and congestive heart disease.
Chris was almost ever-present during his two years in the student group, and for a few
years after that. He acted, stage managed, did sound, worked behind the bar and
played shove ha'penny. He was one of those members who agreed to just about
anything that was asked of him.
He emigrated to America in the 1980s, paying only occasional visits to England, but he
always came into the Grapevine to say hello when he was here.
Our sympathy to Lynn, his loyal and loving wife.
CHRISTOPHER H LEE AT THE QUESTORS 1974 The Breasts of Tiresias
1974 The Cenci 1974 The Owl-Winged Family 1975 After Magritte
1975 Bye-Bye Blues 1975 Coriolanus 1975 The Lady from the Sea 1976 The Butterfly's Evil Spell 1976 Dona Rosita, The Spinster 1976 The Fall and Conversion of Mary, Niece of Abraham The
Hermit 1977 The Mark Twain Show
1977 Thurberesque (Late Night)