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''ASK ALMA . .. "
ALMA CHALLIS (Nee Pryde) died peacefully on Friday, 19th January 1978.

During the hectic years of raising the money we needed to build the New Questors Theatre, when we all danced to the tunes played by Alfred Emmet, the phrase 'Ask Alma' was often to be heard when
some chore requiring quiet, unassuming efficiency needed to be done. And invariably, once she'd agreed to do it and was convinced it was right (her reputation as an outstandingly good teacher was built on a mind that was very much her own), one could forget about it because the job would be done supremely well.

She had proved this already in many years of working with 'wardrobe'. Since her marriage eleven
years ago, Alma had concentrated on Front of House work, leading a lively Thursday team which
brightened the interval for many a jaded playgoer.

Those of us who worked with her will always remember her with great affection.

[Questopics 153, March 1978]