The Questors has lost a valued member by the recent death of Sylvia Broom. Sylvia was one of that band of largely unseen, and mostly unsung, members who make their contribution to the life of the Theatre by helping to keep the administrative machine running smoothly.

Hers was a substantial contribution in this field which stretched over many years, at first in a voluntary capacity as an evening helper and then as an employee in the Theatre Office. Here she assisted most notably in the area of productions administration.

When she returned to voluntary work it was often carried out whilst battling against ill-health which ultimately, and sadly, forced her in the last few years to withdraw from the active life of The Questors. However, this never prevented her from being unstintingly helpful and never diminished her cheerful outlook.
Our deepest sympathy goes out to Sylvia's husband, Norman.

[QUESTOPICS 296 March 1988]