Mike Green writes:
The death of Margaret Bevan in December ended 40 years' service to The Questors. Margaret was one of the stalwarts of the old box-office and kept working there until a few months before her final illness last year, when ill-health (and the new computerisation) made her decide to retire. Margaret first became involved with The Questors through her daughter Anne, whom she used to bring to the theatre for the Young Questors under Rena Rice in 1960. Anne, of course, under her married name of Anne Johnson, went on to become one of The Questors' best-known actresses. Margaret soon became involved in the box-office and also worked with the Hotplate and the bookstall.

Along with her late husband Bev (real name Elwyn) she was one of the first regulars at the Grapevine when it started opening Sunday lunch times in the sixties and only ceased coming every Sunday quite recently. She was a lovely person and will be sadly missed.

[Questopics 454, May 2000]